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Successful tactical offensives of the NPA

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

"These successful tactical offensives show that the revolutionary forces are ready to face and frustrate the all-out war campaign of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime. In accordance with the call of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the revolutionary forces shall intensify the armed struggle by carrying out more and more armed tactical offensives. � Ka Roger, September 29, 2002

NPA raids municipal hall in Quezon

NPA Red fighters attacked the municipal hall of Lopez, Quezon on the afternoon of September 27. Killed in the raid were Lopez chief of police Supt. Cesar Santander, SPO4 Nestor Santiago and one other PNP element.

The guerrillas quickly entered the municipal hall by employing a ruse. Some of them wore barongs and pretended that they wanted to file a case while some posed as AFP soldiers and others as agents of the National Bureau of Investigation.

The guerrillas had already taken their positions inside the municipal hall when some policemen grew suspicious and fought it out. The Red fighters took control of the municipal hall after a firefight that lasted a number of minutes and confiscated all firearms from the armory before making a safe retreat.

Scout Rangers ambushed in Leyte

Four elements of the Philippine Army Scout Rangers were killed and two were wounded in an ambush staged by an NPA platoon in Barangay Mabuhay, Mahaplag, Leyte on September 20. The ambush took place at around 3:15 p.m. as four elements of the 3rd Scout Ranger Company who were aboard a Kennedy-type jeep were on their way to Tacloban City.

Five high-powered firearms were seized by the NPA during the firefight, including an M203, two M16s, a Baby-M16 and an M14.

A platoon of reinforcements from the 3rd SR Company and the 53rd IB�s Charlie Company was ambushed by an NPA blocking force. One enemy soldier was killed.

Meanwhile, a soldier from the 63rd IB was killed in an encounter with an NPA unit that same day.

33 firearms seized in Compostela Valley raid

Up to 33 firearms were seized when Red fighters under the Rhyme Petalcorin Command-New People�s Army (RPC-NPA) raided the Philippine National Police station in Maco, Compostela Valley on September 24. Among the weapons seized were 17 armalites, three M14s, four Garands, three .38 caliber pistols, a Browning automatic rifle, ammunition and a VHF radio.

According to RPC-NPA spokesperson Diomabok Kadyawan, the daring raid proves the NPA�s capability to launch surprise attacks on legitimate targets. He said the the raid was successfully conducted because of the people�s cooperation with the NPA.

The daring raid was launched without a single shot being fired through the use of stratagem. First, guerrillas posing as Philippine Army soldiers captured Maco mayor Miller Alaba at around 6:30 p.m. and brought him to the police station in Barangay Mapaang. Alaba introduced the Red fighters as soldiers of the 72nd IB, thus enabling them to enter the station easily and disarm the police. The Red fighters carted away all weapons in the station�s armory in 15 minutes. They easily made their retreat through the nearby forest.

Shamed, the Macapagal-Arroyo regime immediately ordered the relief of the entire PNP force in Maco and filed treason charges against Alaba. The local intelligence unit is likewise being investigated for its incompetence.


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October 2002
English Edition

Raise the level of the growing patriotic united front

Guingona�s voice of patriotism
Military bases ouster commemorated
Top Story:
Successful tactical offensives of the NPA
Bush warmongering against Iraq continues
Bush: Hitler, threat to peace
US: Threat to the security and independence of nations
Opposition to war on Iraq spreads
The Arroyo couple�s scandalous corruption
The Mike Arroyo-NAD conspiracy
Land-occupation in northwestern Leyte:
Unity and resolute resistance

The capitulation and criminality of the RPM-RPA-ABB
Defend Comrade Joema
On the terrorism of US imperialism and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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