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Maj. Noel Buan:
NPA frees prisoner of war

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The New People�s Army (NPA) effected the safe and orderly release of prisoner of war Army Maj. Noel Buan on April 6 in Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro.

Buan was arrested by the NPA on July 7, 1999 in Lucena, Quezon when he was the deputy intelligence chief or AC2 of the Southern Luzon Command. In October 1999, he was captured by the Melito Glor Command (MGC) for his active participation in counterrevolutionary campaigns and operations of the AFP and related crimes.

He was ordered released on humanitarian grounds in the face of requests from the Humanitarian and Peace Mission, Buan�s relatives as well as other groups and personalities. This was a good exercise of political authority by the people�s democratic government. It was also a step that manifested the revolutionary movement�s sincerity in entering the peace talks.

On April 6, the MGC transferred custody over Buan to the International Committee of the Red Cross and representatives of the Humanitarian and Peace Mission, the Public Interest Law Center and the GRP Negotiating Panel. With arms linked, they, along with Party spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal and Comrade Tirso "Ka Bart" Alcantara went towards the place where the family and relatives of the prisoner of war awaited.

Afterwards, Sen. Loren Legarda, a member of the peace mission, expressed happiness over Buan�s successful release. Buan and his family in turn thanked all those who had a hand in releasing him.

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines through Comrade Luis Jalandoni and Jose Ma. Sison hailed the Party, NPA and all other groups involved in the release. They said that Buan�s release is proof of the revolutionary movement�s status of belligerency. For 22 months it had proven its capability to hold prisoners of war in its custody and accord them humane treatment and respect for their rights. They also expressed hope that this would improve conditions for the resumption of peace talks between the GRP and NDFP.

The MGC-NPA set up checkpoints to ensure the orderly transfer of Buan to his family.

The MGC-NPA also issued passes to the media and other persons who participated in the release.


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April 2001
English Edition

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April 26, 2001

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Maj. Noel Buan:
NPA frees prisoner of war
News of struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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