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The July 22 SOMO is malicious

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The suspension of offensive military operations (SOMO) ordered on July 22 by Southern Luzon Command chief Maj. Gen. Jose Lachica is not acceptable to the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). In a statement by Comrade Luis Jalandoni on August 8, the NDFP Executive Committee member said that the SOMO was "made in bad faith, malicious and arrogant."

The SOMO, purportedly effective from August 1-14 and extended until the end of the month, was supposedly meant to facilitate the release of Philippine Army Maj. Noel Buan and P/Chief Insp. Abelardo Martin.

But contrary to its supposed objective, Lachica arbitrarily and unilaterally set the time and place of the release. This is violative of the principle that the release should be the result of an agreement between the NDFP and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. This is a far cry from the SOMO that was declared when the NPA released Maj. Rene Francisco and Sgt. Francisco Melad in 1997 and Brig. Gen Victor Obillo and Capt. Eduardo Montealto in 1999.

This deceptive SOMO clearly endangers the safety of the Red army unit taking care of the prisoners and of the prisoners of war themselves. It does not have a single provision for the safety of those who will take part in the release process. According to the statement of AFP ranking officials themselves, they can still attack NPA units within areas covered by the SOMO if the latter engage in "terrorist activities"

The AFP persists in referring to the two officerprisoners as hostages, contrary to the principle that the capture of AFP officials is a legitimate act of war.

In addition, the AFP continues to spread disinformation regarding the condition and health of the two prisoners, proving their desperation in the face of failed "rescue operations". In fact, just as the NPA accorded fair treatment to its previous prisoners, Buan and Martin are being treated well in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and its protocols and the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

Buan was arrested in Lucena, Quezon in July 7, 1999 by a unit of the NPA Melito Glor Command. Martin, on the other hand,was arrested by the NPA on November 3, 1999 when Red fighters raided the Dolores, Quezon police station.


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July 2000
English Edition

Intensified fascist attacks showcase the further decay of the US-Estrada regime

Estrada's proposed "emergency powers":
Betraying the regime's worsening crisis of rule

Intensifying fascism in Metro Manila
Fascism against the LRT workers
The July 22 SOMO is malicious
502nd Brigade:
Scourge of Isabela

Abduction and illegal detention of Nomer Kuan and Romeo Sanchez
The US-Estrada regime's housing program:
Deception and violence against Metro Manila's poor

Justice for the victims of Payatas!
San Roque Multipurpose Dam Project:
Gigantic burden to the people

Lessons from the Hacienda Looc struggle
Southern Tagalog�s cultural squad:
Bannering revolutionary art

Amid "unprecedented prosperity" in the US:
Oppression and wretchedness among the American workers and people

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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