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No substantial gains for the people in the recently held elections

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Another reactionary electoral process was held. In the context of the continually worsening social crisis and intensifying contradictions among reactionaries, this process exposed with utmost clarity the rottenness and inutility of the ruling reactionary political system. Reactionary politicians and parties used violence, money, fraud and various means of deceiving the people in their contest for power.

As in the past, the recently concluded process was used to conjure up the illusion that democracy exists in the country and hoodwink the people with demagogic promises, various charades and cash dole outs. It has turned out to be one of the dirtiest and most disorderly elections.

The 2001 electoral process was also one of the bloodiest in the country�s history. As usual, the reactionaries used the recent elections as an extension of their violent contradictions. The magnitude of hostilities in the elections mirrors the further intensification of their antagonisms. Progressive forces who participated in the elections also suffered severe brutalities.

While the reactionaries may have had a desire to use the elections to iron out their differences, the polls� outcome, whatever it may be, will be used as staging base for further maneuverings and violent power struggles.

The Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s candidates are enjoying a slight lead in the elections for the Senate. Nonetheless, it turns out that reinforcements are forthcoming for the reactionary pro-Estrada opposition in the Senate, which remains strong. The Estrada camp has also made a strong showing in elections for the Congress and local government units. The two main camps of contending reactionary politicians and parties are in a frantic hustle and race to defraud the results of the recent elections and attain a more decisive lead against their rivals. This may cause turmoil and intensify their antagonisms.

The leadership of the Macapagal-Arroyo camp over the ruling state and system remains beleaguered. The process of prosecuting Estrada and company and putting them on trial still hangs in the balance. Along with this, the regime is now also trying to enter into compromises and cooperation with the Estrada camp. On the other hand, the Estrada camp and other anti-Macapagal-Arroyo reactionaries will use the positions they have won as launching pads to continue challenging and to repeatedly attempt power grabs against the Macapagal-Arroyo camp, through violent or underhanded, if not through legal means. In the face of all this, the revolutionary forces and people continue to clamor for the punishment of Estrada and his criminal co-conspirators. The revolutionary forces and the people will vigorously oppose the compromises and concessions now being given to Estrada by the regime. In the forthcoming period, the ruling regime and the entire ruling system�s inutility to resolve the continuing and intensifying crisis and turmoil besetting reactionary politics will become pronounced.

The people have not gained much from the recent elections. Feudal and bureaucrat capitalist rule continue to hold in its grip all levels of government and the country�s entire political system. Representatives of the reactionary ruling classes and their various camps and political parties enjoy a monopoly over victories and other advantages in such elections. Under the reactionary system, reactionary politicians dole out to the masses oodles of cash and other "gifts" that are mere table scraps. Undoubtedly, these reactionary politicians would amass much more from large-scale graft and plunder once they take their seats of power.

Through the strenuous advance of the democratic and progressive forces and the strengthening of the organized ranks of the masses, some progressive forces and representatives of people�s organizations have gained a small opportunity to participate and win in the elections. Electoral and parliamentary struggles are part of the arsenal of revolutionaries. But these are secondary to revolutionary armed struggle, and also to the open mass movement.

The big number of votes garnered by Bayan Muna in the party-list election reflects the high prestige gained by the progressive forces. This is a result of their persistence and perseverance in the struggles to advance the people�s interests and to oust Estrada. However, three representatives now permitted to sit in Congress is too small a number and not enough to crack the dominant position of the reactionary politicians, who espouse the interest of the ruling classes.

It is important to clarify the limitations faced by progressives working within the reactionary parliament and government. While the level of our revolutionary strength and power is still relatively low, decrepit and decadent politics will continue to prevail and hold the masses in its sway. There is very little space within the reactionary system to eradicate putrefaction and corruption in government, overhaul the system and realize reforms that would truly benefit the people. Besides, there are numerous obstacles, among them, dirty politicking, fascist attacks and anti-communist redbaiting against the progressive organizations and their leaders and members. During the entire period of the campaign, no less than 12 coordinators and volunteers of Bayan Muna were illegally arrested, kidnapped, threatened, harmed or killed by the military and police.

But electoral struggles and work within the reactionary parliament do carry importance for the progressive and democratic forces. It is our fundamental and principal duty to expose the rottenness of the reactionary system and fight it simultaneously from within and from without, project the revolutionary alternative and point to the path that leads to it. Along with this, we may take advantage of the space and opportunity provided, in order to achieve tactical gains for the people and the progressive and democratic movement. This, while we maintain strict vigilance and resist being enticed and gobbled up by the rotten system.

In yet other ways, the revolutionary forces have gained from the conditions created by the recent reactionary elections. Various opportunities were used to promote the people�s issues and demands, advance the armed struggle, strengthen the revolutionary forces, expand the united front, and take advantage of and exacerbate rivalries among the reactionaries.

The New People�s Army launched selective tactical offensives. The revolutionary movement used the opportunity well to exercise and demonstrate its political power and implement revolutionary policies within its territories. This includes the levying of access fees on the entry of reactionary politicians into guerrilla fronts and zones. Rabidly reactionary politicians with blood debts to the revolutionary movement and people were punished. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare for attacks on the guerrilla fronts by the state�s armed forces. Macapagal-Arroyo and DND Secretary Angelo Reyes have already ordered the launching of attacks against the NPA after the elections. This is supposedly in retaliation for the punitive actions and collection of access fees implemented by the NPA during the election period.

Much more important to the revolutionary movement is the clarification to the people that they could achieve no genuine and long-term significant gains from the recent elections. At every opportunity, we persevered in clarifying to the masses the revolutionary alternative to the existing turmoil and crisis of the reactionary political system. This will become even clearer after the elections, as the demagogic promises of politicians fade and the people are unable to see and realize any significant gains.

The people in the barrios and farms, factories and urban poor communities have long had their grievances. Their cries for genuine and fundamental solutions to the country�s basic problems, especially the worsening poverty and oppression of the poor, have grown louder.

Only the revolutionary movement is in a position to lead the people and bring them towards the path of genuine and lasting solutions to the country�s basic problems.


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May 2001
English Edition

No substantial gains for the people in the recently held elections
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Interview with Ka Roger
Resumption of NDFP-GRP peace talks successful
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Resisting the plunder of Cordillera�s resources

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Tactical offensives continue in Bicol

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NPA clarifies punitive actions in Northern Mindanao

News of struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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