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Correspondence Reports
Rejecting Reaction, Embracing The Revolution

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

�The bankrupt semicolonial and semifeudal system cannot be genuinely reformed.�

Thus declared an official of the local reactionary government who turned his back on the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and swore allegiance to the revolutionary movement. Jaime Decasa, vice mayor of Batuan, Bohol joined the National Democratic Front (NDF) on March 22.

In a press statement, the NDF in Central Visayas said that Decasa, who is now known as �Ka Rudy�, decided to become a revolutionary after realizing the fact that it was impossible to change the decadent ruling system from within. This, said the NDF, is what convinces sincere public servants and others from the middle forces to join the NDF. This, too, it added, is what pushes genuinely propeople politicians to extend clandestine support to or actually join the revolutionary movement.

Failed crusade against corruption

As a town councilor back in 1992, Decasa was renowned for his expos�s of anomalies in the funding of local government projects in Batuan. When he ran for vice mayor in May 1998 under the Laban ng Masang Pilipino, Decasa learned that some of his partymates (among them the mayor-elect Brady Dano) were illegal gambling operators and on the payroll of ranking police officials like former Bohol Philippine National Police (PNP) provincial director Laurence Cadungog.

With this discovery, Decasa was hounded and implicated in the killing of a farmer and the manhandling of four others in the recently held polls. An arrest warrant was issued against him last January.

It was then that Decasa lost all hope in his crusade against corruption and decided to side with the revolution. Decasa established contact with the revolutionary movement on January 10. The New People�s Army (NPA) investigated the charges against Decasa. The investigation revealed that only PNP elements and armed goons of other candidates who were present during the incident had the capability to commit the crime. Clearly, Decasa was implicated by the police and his political enemies to prevent him from further exposing government corruption. The NDF welcomed Decasa into its fold because of his sincerity and readiness to side with the revolution.

Many more

Decasa is not the first government official to turn his back on the reactionary state. In July 1995, the GRP was stunned when Brig. Gen. Raymundo Jarque, former chief of the AFP Southern Luzon Command, announced his defection to the NDF. Like Decasa, Jarque had been accused of a crime he did not commit when he went against powerful and corrupt bureaucrats. He became a victim of the system he had faithfully served for decades.

Victims too were the three Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) elements who mutinied against their unit on April 1 in Lopez, Agusan del Sur. Reports indicate that the three CAFGU men decided to join the revolutionary movement because they could no longer endure cruel treatment at the hands of AFP officials. They fired on the other soldiers in the detachment and carted away all firearms before joining the NPA. To cover up what really occurred, the AFP claimed that the CAFGU elements were abducted by the NPA.

It is certain that many more will see the light and turn their backs on the reactionary system to join the revolutionary movement. The intensifying crisis of the semicolonial and semifeudal system further reveals the latter�s bankruptcy and further illumines the correctness of treading the path of revolution.

Since the beginning, it has been the policy of the revolutionary forces to welcome the officers, elements, officials and employees of the reactionary government and armed forces who change from the side of the enemy to that of the people. In fact, quite a number of them have over the years been serving the people and making significant contributions to the revolution.

Said Party Founding Chair Jose Ma. Sison: �The victory of the national democratic revolution is facilitated when the officers, men, (officials and employees of the government and) the armed forces of the big compradors, landlords and corrupt bureaucrats give their loyalty and service to the working class, peasantry and the rest of the people.�


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04 March 1999
English Edition

Prepare for and resist intensified military offensives and suppression after the release of the prisoners of war

The NDFP�s Conviction
Respecting the rights of prisoners of war

In the Occassion of NPA's 30th anniversary
�Fight the enemy until victory is won in the new-democratic revolution!�

Emblem of the New People�s Army
Correspondence Reports
Overcoming conservatism and advancing the armed struggle in Central Visayas

Correspondence Reports
Rejecting Reaction, Embracing The Revolution
Suppression in Texas Instruments

Suppression in Texas Instruments
Discrimination against women

Towards World Proletarian Unity and Cooperation


Socialist unity?
On unity and the Contras

Imperialist aggression in the Balkan Peninsula

War profits
Stop US and NATO war of aggression

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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