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Crocodile tears

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Arroyo regime and the AFP are shedding crocodile tears over the tragic loss of hundreds of lives and thousands of homes and livelihoods due to landslides and massive flash floods after tropical storms "Violeta," "Winnie," and "Yoyong" battered the country in November and December. The events have underscored the people's vulnerability, especially those living at the foot of mountains. Most affected were northern Quezon, Aurora province and parts of Nueva Ecija�areas where indiscriminate logging is rampant.

The regime and the AFP were quick to blame the calamity on small-time loggers who were only forced to abandon farming and work for huge logging companies after big logging concessionaires seized their lands.

The regime and the AFP strain to conceal the reactionary government's role in permitting largescale logging and the military's responsibility for serving as security forces of big logging concessionaires. It is these companies' longstanding large-scale and destructive operations that are the real reason behind the denudation of the forests and the deluges that come in its wake.

The regime and the AFP have the gall to accuse the New People's Army (NPA) of collaborating with logging companies. In fact, since 1969, the NPA, together with the people in the countryside and mountainous areas, have opposed both illegal and legalized tree cutting by big logging companies nationwide. To counter the unbridled denudation of the country's forests, the NPA and other revolutionary forces have launched armed and unarmed campaigns against big logging concessionaires as well as mining companies owned by foreign capitalists and big bourgeois compradors.


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07 December 2004
English Edition

State terrorism intensifies as the Arroyo regime's desperation worsens

Fascist State on a Rampage:
Rampant violations of the CARHRIHL

Fascist State on a Rampage:
The heinous Hacienda Luisita massacre

Victorious NPA Offensives:
NPA seizes 18 firearms in Bulacan

Crocodile tears
Philippine Education:
Still commercialized and geared towards foreign interests

Victories of socialist revolution and construction in China from 1949 to 1976:
Response to the economic crisis: Revolution and socialist construction

Links of counterrevolutionary groups with Trotskyites and Social Democrats
Transport strike
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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