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Victorious NPA Offensives:
NPA seizes 18 firearms in Bulacan

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The New People's Army (NPA) seized 18 highpowered firearms when it ambushed a platoon of the 56th IB's Charlie Company on November 30 in Pasong Bangkal, San Ildefonso, Bulacan.

In a report, the NPA-Eastern Bulacan Command said that the Red fighters confiscated an M60, an M203, three M14s and 13 M16s after they overpowered the soldiers who were undertaking combat operations against the NPA. Also seized were a GPS receiver, a Motorola radio, packs and a number of valuable documents.

Up to 14 soldiers were killed in the ambush, including the commanding officer 1Lt. Ben Puyao. Six wounded soldiers who surrendered were treated well by the Red fighters.

Comrade Anacleto Butuan, a Red fighter from Calumpit, Bulacan, was martyred. Two other NPA guerrillas were also slightly wounded.

56th IB involved in military operation, not in rescue efforts

The NPA in Eastern Bulacan likewise strongly refuted accusations by the AFP and the Arroyo regime that the unit of the 56th IB it ambushed was conducting rescue operations.

To elicit the people's sympathy, AFP and Malaca�ang spokespersons claimed that the soldiers were helping in the rescue of victims of successive typhoons that hit the country in the latter part of November. The regime and the AFP shamelessly repeated this lie to portray the NPA as a ruthless armed force that violates rules of war strictly forbidding attacks on units carrying out humanitarian missions.

The concerned AFP unit was never part of any relief effort. At the time of the ambush, it was on a combat mission under Oplan Thunder, a military campaign conducted by the 56th IB against the NPA in Bulacan. This was borne out by documents that contained details of the operation as well as maps, codes used by the units involved and other materials seized by the NPA from Lieutenant Puyao's person. The campaign covered the towns of Pandi, Angat, Norzagaray and Do�a Remedios Trinidad.

A week before the ambush, the comrades had retreated towards San Ildefonso to evade Oplan Thunder's opening salvo. Unknown to them, a section from the 56th IB's Charlie Company had already positioned itself in the area and was getting ready to head towards Do�a Remedios Trinidad. It was moving in coordination with the battalion's Alpha Company that was to take off from Talagyo, San Ildefonso and Bravo Company that was to maneuver from Akle, San Ildefonso, and another section of the 56th IB's Charlie Coy that was then positioned in Barangay Maronquillo, San Rafael, Bulacan. The AFP units were to rendezvous at the site of a suspected NPA encampment in Kamatsing, Do�a Remedios Trinidad in three days.


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07 December 2004
English Edition

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NPA seizes 18 firearms in Bulacan
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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