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United States presidential elections:
No change in US imperialism

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The recent presidential elections held November 7 between Al Gore (Democratic Party) and George W Bush (Republican Party) was one of the closest in US history. The various legal maneuvers and plots concocted by feuding parties to put their candidates into power and the people's criticisms of, and grievances against, the US electoral process are creating widespread confusion and disorder on the course that politics has been taking in that country.

The contest between the Republican and Democratic parties is so intense since they are deciding on who the next representative and administrator of the US bourgeois monopoly state will be. In reality, however, the two parties are identical. Although there are slight differences in methods and policies, both parties agree on the main policies of the big bourgeoisie against the American proletariat and people and towards further imperialist exploitation of the world's peoples.

As far as trade policies are concerned, both parties call for further "globalization". They wholly support the North America Free Trade Agreement and other economic blocs that the US dominates. Both call for the opening up of the Chinese market so that they can freely dump their surplus products there. They are also united in allocating subsidies for their own agricultural products even if this is in violation of GATT, so as to depress their prices and kill China's local agricultural sector and that of the other nations where they dump their products.

Although Bush's tone is more aggressive regarding his would-be administration's foreign policy, both parties have the same attitude towards North Korea, Iraq, Russia, Palestine and other states that US imperialism treats with "concern".

They are one in further strengthening their military so as to effectively "police" the globe, suppress peoples and states who go against imperialist dictates and once again award billion-dollar contracts to businesses that are part of the military-industrial complex. Their policies of warmongering, troublemaking and outright intervention in countries where their imperialist interests are at stake do not differ.

As representative of the US monopoly bourgeoisie, both parties give their all-out support to giant monopoly corporations by granting tax cuts while intensifying their exploitation of the American proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world.

In general, both parties offer no real deviation from the current policies of the Clinton administration. Both recognize the "unprecedented" boom of the US economy and both have pledged to continue the policies that have brought this about. This, despite the reality that the crisis these policies have brought forth continues to deepen and that billions of people not only in the US but also in its neocolonies are suffering from intense poverty.


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November 2000
English Edition

Consolidate and further expand the people�s unity to overthrow the US-Estrada regime!

Massive and daring protest actions launched
Estrada and his minions: targets of NPA special operations

The jueteng payola and other anomalies:
Crime and corruption at the very helm of the neocolonial state

On the tactical alliance with anti-Estrada reactionaries and the pseudo-Left rhetoric of Lagman
Cry of public sector workers:
Advance the rights and welfare of government employees!

United States presidential elections:
No change in US imperialism
Challenge towards genuine reunification:
Intensifying anti-imperialist struggle in Korea

News of the people�s struggle
More news from the field
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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