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 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Ka Bel assails Arroyo's unliquidated cash advances

REP. Crispin Beltran of the Anakpawis party-list group assailed the scandalously large and hitherto unliquidated cash advances made by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. A report by the Commission on Audit (COA) shows that the Office of the President had P626 million worth of unliquidated cash advances from 2001 to 2003. This exceeds the record of any president from Ferdinand Marcos to Joseph Estrada, and is far greater than the combined unliquidated cash advances of all former presidents since 1965.

According to the COA report, the total unliquidated cash advances of former presidents come to only P159 million: Marcos, P41 million; Corazon Aquino, P11 million; Fidel Ramos, P55 million; and Joseph Estrada, P50 million.

Davao City officials oppose new Balikatan exercise

ONE-HUNDRED and thirty-three (133) out of 180 barangay captains in Davao City's three districts collectively expressed their opposition on September 22 to a new round of military exercises under the Balikatan series. They filed their manifesto of opposition with the Davao City Council.

US Troops Out Now and Junk VFA convenor Ret. Capt. (PN) Danilo Vizmanos, witnessed the first ever expression of opposition to the Balikatan by local officials.

The barangay officials said that the presence of American troops will only sow disorder and provoke protests and terrorist attacks. They moreover said that the joint US-Philippine military exercise is of no use to the people.

The Balikatan is slated to be launched in the mountainous Marilog district of Davao City. Four thousand American and Philippine troops will be participating in the exercise that will last three to four weeks.


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07 October 2004
English Edition

The New People's Army will intensify its armed offensives

Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA in Cagayan punishes abusive AFP unit

Arturo Tabara, hardened criminal and rabid counterrevolutionary
Collaboration between Tabara and the reactionary regime
Fascist violence and deception go hand in hand with imperialist mining in Samar
Workers resist layoffs in Hacienda Luisita
Widespread hunger and poverty in the country
GSIS employees' cry:
Oust Winston Garcia!

The Bush regime will pay dearly for its invasion and occupation of Iraq
Mounting US casualties in Iraq
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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