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Victorious NPA offensives:
Tactical offensives launched in Southern Tagalog

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The New People's Army (NPA) launched tactical offensives in Laguna, Quezon and Palawan in September and October, killing eight enemy soldiers.

In Laguna, two soldiers of the 1st IB were killed and at least two others were wounded in an ambush by a platoon of Red fighters under the NPA's Nilo Hatol Command in Barangay Kalaminaue, Cavinti, Laguna in the afternoon of October 13.

The soldiers were part of a bigger number of troops conducting operations along the Laguna-Quezon border. Unknown to them, the masses had long sent word to the Red fighters about their presence. Thus, the NPA was ready for any possible encounter. Part of its preparations involved planting bombs along the path the military would be taking.

When the soldiers arrived, not only were they hit by the detonating bombs. They were also greeted by a hail of bullets from the NPA's high-powered firearms. After the fighting, all of the Red fighters were able to retreat safely, with all of their belongings.

To cover up its embarrassment, the 1st IB claimed that it had killed two Red fighters in pursuit operations in the early morning of October 15. The Nilo Hatol Command, however, denied sustaining any casualties and moreover said that it did not figure in any firefight that day. In an interview, CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that the bodies that the 1st IB had brought to the Cavinti municipal hall were those of Alberto Belena and Clemente Calatrava, both of them treasure hunters from Sariaya, Quezon whom the AFP had chanced upon while on the way to Barangay Caldong in the nearby town of Sampaloc, Quezon.

In Quezon, the Apolonio Mendoza Command reported two successful sniping operations in Mauban in September. On September 30, in Barangay Ilayang Bagumbungan, two soldiers standing close to each other were both killed when a single bullet fired from an NPA sniper's rifle hit one trooper and exited, also hitting the other soldier. Meanwhile, on September 19, a military officer was killed when he was sniped in Barangay Rosario. The officer was unable defend himself and merely shot back aimlessly, not knowing where the bullet that hit him came from.

In Palawan, three elements of the Philippine Marines were killed in an ambush by the NPA in Barangay Bayumbongan, Taytay on September 28. The soldiers who were part of Task Force Malampaya were on their way back to their headquarters when they were ambushed.


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21 October 2004
English Edition

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Victorious NPA offensives:
Tactical offensives launched in Southern Tagalog
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