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Correspondence Reports:
Prevailing over conservatism:
Armed revolution advances in Central Luzon

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

"The armed revolution is advancing in the region's mountainous areas and even in the plains."

Thus declared the Central Luzon Regional Party Committee on the 35th anniversary of the CPP's reestablishment. In particular, it said that "The Party and the people's army have achieved gains in overcoming military conservatism."

NPA Red fighters seized 38 firearms from both tactical offensives and defensive battles. The firearms seized included 19 M16s, five M14s, two M203s, an M60, five shotguns and six pistols. The NPA also confiscated some communications equipment.

At least 48 enemy forces were killed. Twenty of them were killed in tactical offensives such as raids, ambushes and harassment and punitive operations, and 28 were slain in defensive battles. Among the enemy casualties was the deputy commander of the 305th Provincial Mobile Group in Bulacan; a captain detailed with the MICO (Military Intelligence Company) in Dingalan, Aurora; a PNP station commander in Iba and another PNP official in Olongapo, both in Zambales.

The tactical offensives and counteroffensives took place between February 1 and November 26, 2003. They included raids on PNP detachments in Hagonoy, Bulacan; in Arayat, Pampanga; in San Jose, Tarlac; and in Dingalan, Aurora. The enemy also suffered ambuscades in Barangay Carag, San Marcelino, Zambales and in Barangay Kapintalan, Carranglan, Nueva Ecija. Four elements of the bandit Rebolusyonaryong Hukbong Bayan (RHB) were likewise killed in an encounter in Barangay Malusac, Sasmuan, Pampanga. The bodyguards of Zambales Gov. Vic Magsaysay were also arrested and disarmed.

The NPA was able to seize the initiative from the enemy, overcome disadvantages and launch counterattacks during defensive battles in Angat, Bulacan; in Botolan and twice in San Marcelino, both in Zambales; and in Sasmuan, Pampanga.

Said the Central Luzon Regional Party Committee: "These tactical offensives, counterattacks and instances of coordinated support demonstrated the NPA's high fighting spirit and readiness for sacrifice, and the development of its guerrilla tactics. They also demonstrated the advantages of having a platoon-size formation during offensive and defensive battles."

The vigorous advance of armed struggle in Central Luzon in the past year showed that "the lack of mountainous and forested terrain in certain areas poses no hindrance to the people's army's existence. The proximity to Manila, the center of reaction, likewise poses no obstacle. Like fish in water, the masses comprise the vast ocean that the NPA swims in."

In the revolutionary mass movement, agrarian struggles were successfully advanced in Bulacan, Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga and Tarlac. The region is assiduously striving to set up full-fledged mass organizations and organizing committees compared to the previously predominant organizing groups. It is determined to overcome the trend of conservatism in mass work characterized by slow-paced organizing and infrequent and intermittent antifeudal struggles.

In Party-building, the region continues to conduct formal Party courses at the basic and intermediate levels. A big majority of full-time forces in the countryside and cities have already taken the Intermediate Party Course (IPC). In 2003, some 130 comrades took these courses in Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac and Bulacan and the region's cities. The IPC is already being conducted at the local Party branch level.

The region also reports that "the study of Ang Bayan has become a habit among Party members, Red fighters and members of mass organizations. Comrades and the masses are elated with AB's more frequent and regular release and eagerly await each issue." Up to 7,000 copies of each issue of AB is published and distributed. On the other hand, the region publishes and circulates 13,000 copies of each issue of its mass newspaper Himagsik.


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07 January 2004
English Edition

Wanton opportunism and decadence

Intensify the anti-imperialist, antifeudal and antifascist struggle

The Party continues to rectify the errors of the anti-infiltration campaigns of the 1980s

Correspondence Reports:
Prevailing over conservatism:
Armed revolution advances in Central Luzon
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From Southern Tagalog
ST continues to advance in the face of intense attacks by the regime

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Statement of the CPP-Northeastern Luzon on the Party's 35th anniversary
Mass movement surges forward

Developments Overseas
US crisis continues to worsen

Developments Overseas
Intense demoralization of American soldiers in Iraq

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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