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Just like the movie Rambo

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Aside from the grand lie about weapons of mass destruction, exposés abound about CIA and Pentagon schemes to concoct stories and shows that hype up the supposed correctness of the war of aggression, the heroism of American soldiers and the cruelty of the Iraqi forces.

Prominent among these lies are the following:

The toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue. On April 9, three weeks after the US began the invasion of Iraq, American troops entered the city of Baghdad.

On that very day, the imperialist media broadcast what seemed to be a very happy celebration by the Iraqi people of Saddam Hussein's ouster and what also seemed to be the spontaneous toppling of his giant statue in a park in the middle of Baghdad.

These scenes were repeatedly and continuously shown on television screens all over the world as supposed proof of the broad and widespread uprising of the Iraqi people against Saddam Hussein's regime. President Bush of the US and Prime Minister Blair of the UK bragged about this, claiming it was proof of the Iraqi people's warm acceptance of the American troops' entry into Iraq and their occupation of Baghdad. From a "few dozen citizens" in the beginning, "a few thousand" and later, "several thousand Iraqis" were reported to have participated in these amazing events.

Not once did the giant media networks show the park's entirety nor even just the entirety of the people assembled there.

It has now come to light that these events were CIA and Pentagon shows that were made for television.

A Reuters photographer has posted on the internet a photo taken from atop a high building showing the entirety of the park, and clearly demonstrating that there were at best a little less than 100 people in the park and hardly any people in the streets of Baghdad. American troops and tanks encircled the park and closed off its entrance and exit. The only ones in the park were the American troops guarding it, the vehicle used to bring down the statue, a group of Iraqi men, and a few journalists who were part of the US forces' entourage. The vehicle was secretly used to pull and bring down the statue with a cable because it could not be pulled by a handful of people or demolished with just a few sledgehammers. Other journalists, such as those of Time Magazine, also witnessed and reported that the Iraqi men who were with the American soldiers were not residents of Baghdad but members of the Free Iraqi Forces (FIF), a group based abroad, flown in by the Pentagon and brought into Iraq for the sham celebration. The FIF, which is on the CIA's payroll, is headed by the leading US puppet, Ahmed Chalabi.

The fantastic "rescue" of Pvt. Jessica Lynch. Even earlier, the CIA and Pentagon released through the captive media the made-up story of how the US Special Forces supposedly rescued an American soldier captured by Iraqi forces.

On April 3, the US crowed about the allegedly successful and heroic rescue by US Special Forces of Pvt. Jessica Lynch, 19, from the hands of Iraqi soldiers.

From the beginning, the CIA/Pentagon-controlled media wove the movie-like story about Lynch's alleged escape. The media kept on parroting the CIA/Pentagon script that Lynch continued to resist as far as her strength could hold. Quoting "unnamed military officials," the media reported that Lynch suffered many bullet wounds and was even stabbed by Iraqi soldiers. They even added that the cruel Iraqis showed no concern for Lynch's condition. Allegedly, the Americans learned about Lynch's condition only because an Iraqi lawyer was kind enough to walk several hundred miles towards an American checkpoint to tell them that Lynch and other soldiers were being held by the Iraqis. Thus were plans for a military operation by US Special Forces laid down and the hospital stormed in the middle of the night to rescue Lynch.

In May, however, other journalists revealed the vacuousness of this tale. In an investigation conducted and aired by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), it was revealed that Pvt. Lynch sustained no bullet or stab wounds. Instead, she suffered fractures in her arm and thigh and twisted her heel when the truck she was riding turned turtle. It met an accident and was separated from a convoy of supply trucks when a sandstorm intensified.

According to the BBC's investigation, two days before the "rescue," the Iraqi soldiers had already abandoned the hospital and left Lynch in the care of Iraqi doctors. The Iraqi doctors took good care of Lynch and also immediately notified the American soldiers about Lynch's medical condition � a fact attested to by the American doctors who examined her. According to the doctors and staff at the hospital, they had tried to bring Lynch to the nearest American checkpoint, but their ambulance was fired upon, forcing them to return to the hospital.

The doctors and staff were startled no end when American soldiers suddenly barged into the hospital, fighting a non-existent enemy.

The Rambo or Arnold Schwarzenegger movie-like show put up by the CIA and Pentagon about how American soldiers "daringly and bravely" rescued Lynch amid "heavy fire and intense fighting" was a big absurdity. The American soldiers looked like lunatics, shouting and firing blank bullets and detonating small bombs. A rescue helicopter suddenly circled round and whisked Lynch away. While the fake rescue was being executed, other soldiers were taking video footages using night vision cameras, broadcasting the event live to the Central Command in Qatar. The footages were immediately edited, distributed and feasted upon by the media and shown on television screens worldwide.


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07 June 2003
English Edition

The US is arming the Arroyo regime to the hilt

US pushes for bigger permanent military presence
Despite the ceasefire:
AFP attacks against MILF continue

Correspondence Reports:
Gains of the agrarian revolution reaped in Samar

Lies behind the war on Iraq
Bush's new nuclear plan
Imperialism's propaganda giants
British soldiers tortured Iraqis
Just like the movie Rambo
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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