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Philippine Revolution Web Central
The internet: A new arena for propaganda

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Use any computer connected to the internet and type www.philippinerevolution.org or prwc.netfirms.com on the browser. In a matter of moments, a television- like image will appear, featuring the stand, outlook, program, culture, history and other aspects of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Philippine revolution. This is the Philippine Revolution Web Central or PRWC, the central website on the revolutionary struggle in the Philippines.

Through the internet, PRWC serves as a channel through which the propaganda, calls and open publications and documents of the Party, New People's Army and other revolutionary organizations led by the Party can be propagated widely and rapidly throughout the revolution's ranks, to friends, the entire country and the whole world.

The PRWC is an added effort in highlighting and introducing the Party and the Philippine revolution to the broad masses of the people within and outside the country.

It is at present one of the established open channels for rapidly propagating the revolutionary stand among comrades, fellow communists and revolutionary parties and organizations, the mass media, friends and anyone within and outside the country.

Various units and comrades in the Party and revolutionary movement also effectively utilize the internet as a rapid and efficient communications channel, along with using the appropriate security safeguards.

Initial efforts

The Party and revolutionary movement's vibrant use of the internet began in 1997 with the appearance of the National Democratic Front's website. In 1999, the website was set up. Since then, readers anywhere in the country and the world where internet services are available could get AB more quickly. Ka Roger Online followed in 2000, swiftly becoming the instrument for the rapid and widespread circulation of statements from Party spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal. At this time, a number of regional revolutionary mass newspapers had also set up their own websites.

The AB, NDF, Ka Roger Online and other websites administered by various Party units disappeared for quite a while since the end of 2001 after the US tightened the screws and unilaterally closed down the servers used by our websites on the pretext that they were linked to terrorism. The US Patriot Act, a repressive law enacted in reaction to the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, was invoked to justify their closure.

It was in the middle of 2002 when the official website of the Party and the Philippine revolution was reopened. A group of Maoists based in the US helped by offering their server.

It was named the Philippine Revolution Web Central in July 2002 and since then has served as the central website of the Party and the Philippine revolution.

Repository of revolutionary documents

The PRWC serves as the repository of historic and important revolutionary documents. For example, one can find in the section "CPP Documents" the Party Constitution and the Program for a People's Democratic Revolution.

In the section "NPA," one can find the history and the basic rules of the New People's Army.

Meanwhile, one can get the latest news, information, statements and clarifications on burning national and international developments in the sections "Ang Bayan" (where one can get the latest issues of AB as well as back issues), "Public Information," "NDF," and "Ka Roger Online." "Publications," features national, organizational and regional revolutionary publications. Poems, plays, songs, essays, short stories, illustrations, comics, posters and various artistic works are featured in the section "Kultura." In "Gallery of Heroes and Martyrs," we pay tribute to the heroism of comrades who have offered their lives for the people.

From PRWC, one can cross over to the the National Democratic Front's newly established website (http://ndf. wanadoo.nl).

Likewise, links are available to Fortunato Camus Online, website of the regional Party organization in Northeastern Luzon, Rebolusyon (the theoretical organ of the CPP), Kabataang Makabayan and Filipino Artists for National Democracy.

The PRWC's dynamism shows the vigorous propaganda work of the entire Party and revolutionary movement. Its contents are contributed by comrades from various parts of the Party organization and the revolutionary movement.


The PRWC is administered fulltime by a Party committee. Although without formal training, comrades in the committee collectively and continuously study the various computer and internet technologies to run and maintain the website effectively.

They constantly enhance their technical know-how and use of the necessary computer programs. They employ both Windows and Linux operating systems where the Apache web server runs. They also study the Perl and JavaScript language for the necessary computer programming. They likewise use various software such as Dreamweaver to compose the various webpages.

Through PRWC's regular and timely releases and other efforts to use the internet, the Party and the revolutionary movement are not far behind in the use of this relatively new medium for the Party and the revolution. PRWC mirrors the dynamism of the Party and the revolutionary movement that it leads.


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07 February 2004
English Edition

Militant resistance to militarization in Mindoro

Intensified militarization and human rights violations
Greetings on the 35th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines
In various parts of the country�

Seething discontent pervades AFP
Philippine Revolution Web Central
The internet: A new arena for propaganda
The Bush regime can no longer deny the absence of WMD in Iraq
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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