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Correspondence Reports:
Christians for National Liberation

Gains strength, advances

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Revolutionaries in the church sector successfully held the seventh congress of Christians for National Liberation (CNL) this November. CNL is a national organization of church people from various Christian sects and denominations. It represents the patriotic and revolutionary strata in the church sector.

The congress elected Fr. Servando Popolus, a Catholic priest, as the new chairperson.

In almost three decades characterized by various twists and turns in the revolutionary struggle, CNL persevered and took a steadfast stand to advance the national-democratic revolution. It continues to play an oustanding and highly respected role as one of the allied organizations within the National Democratic Front (NDF). It has proven the important and effective role of revolutionary Christians in the national united front, in mobilizing the broad masses and in the general advance of the revolution.

In the first years of the revolutionary movement, CNL contributed greatly in defending and preserving the revolution's ranks by securing and providing refuge to cadres being pursued by the dictatorship and by providing a wide network of facilities for the use of revolutionary forces. With the eruption of the first mass actions against the dictatorship, CNL linked arms with workers and other oppressed sectors in shattering fascist terror both before the public and in the reactionary media.

More than this, CNL contributed meaningfully to strengthening the armed movement in the countryside by providing material support and deploying members to the New People's Army (NPA). The Party recognizes its immense contribution to the initial establishment of guerrilla fronts nationwide.

In the following years, CNL implemented various tasks to strengthen and expand the revolution's ranks. This past decade, CNL members successfully struggled against the opportunist renegades and contributed to the overall victory of the Second Great Rectification Movement.

CNL was founded in 1972 in recognition of the influence of the Christian religion in Philippine society and the huge potential in organizing and mobilizing church people for national liberation and democracy in accordance with their belief. Its establishment was an organized response by church people to the immediate challenge of fighting the poverty and oppression afflicting the people.

At present, the expansion and consolidation of their organization as part of the overall revolutionary movement pose a big challenge to CNL. Most of the sector's members belong to the petty bourgeoisie, and thus may be aroused, organized and mobilized according to their national and democratic interests. In recognition of their class character, it is necessary for them to link firmly their movement with the struggle of the basic masses by continuously integrating with and participating in the struggle of workers, peasants and other oppressed and exploited sectors.

More than this, CNL members must participate in the armed struggle as the principal and decisive form of revolution. Their potential contribution to opening, recovering and consolidating guerrilla fronts as NPA Red fighters remains great.


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21 December 2003
English Edition

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Correspondence Reports:
Christians for National Liberation

Gains strength, advances
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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