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4. Excellent conditions for waging people's war

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The conditions are excellent for waging the new-democratic revolution through protracted people�s war in the Philippines. The crisis of the world capitalist system and that of the domestic ruling system are daily worsening.

So-called free market globalization has proven to be utterly bankrupt. It has brought about the most rapacious ways of exploiting and oppressing the people in the underdeveloped countries as well as in the imperialist countries. It has devastated mainly the underdeveloped countries and has made the puppet states weak and vulnerable to violent contradictions among the reactionaries as well as to revolutionary armed resistance by the people.

The new world disorder is intensifying. The contradictions between the imperialist powers and the people in the client states, among the imperialist powers and between the big bourgeoisie and the proletariat are intensifying. Imperialist wars of aggression and violence among the reactionaries are breaking out. Under these conditions, proletarian revolutionaries can take the initiative to prepare and wage revolutionary armed struggle.

The disintegration of Soviet socialimperialism, the fall of revisionist regimes and the rise of the most criminal forms of capitalism in all countries where socialism has been betrayed are all part and parcel of the worsening crisis of the world capitalist system. The conditions for the reemergence of revolutionary movements for national liberation and socialism are laid with utmost clarity against imperialism, revisionism and reaction.

Through the betrayal of socialism, the revisionist ruling cliques have enabled US imperialism to win the Cold War and emerge as the sole superpower. Thus, US imperialism has been able to escalate oppression and exploitation of the proletariat and people. However, this has aggravated and deepened the crisis of the world capitalist system and has resulted in wars of aggression. Now, the stage is set for the resurgence of the world proletarian revolution and broad anti-imperialist movement on an unprecedented scale.

The new US administration of George W. Bush wishes to focus its aggressive policy on Asia and the Pacific to put further under control China, Japan and the rest of Asia, a vast region where most of humanity and most of the social wealth are.

The US has been able to impose its neocolonial and neoliberal economic and fi nancial policies on the client states and further wants them to back down from their political assertions of national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Emboldened by the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the weakness of Russia, the US and its NATO allies have started a chain of aggressive wars in the European continent and in the Middle East in connection with NATO expansion and with the sourcing and routing of oil supply. The troubles that they have begun to stir up in Europe are bound to become worse. The imperialist powers themselves are likely to rearrange and upset the current balance of their alliance. At the same time, the proletariat and people can revive their revolutionary struggle.

The revolutionary forces and people in Asia can take advantage of the overextension of US imperialism and its long-term weaknesses arising from its acts of bullying, intervention and aggression, the costliness of its high-tech weaponry, its Vietnam war syndrome or its obsession with the exit strategy for its aggressor troops and its admitted fear of protracted people�s war.

In our region, we support all struggles for national sovereignty and territorial integrity against US and Japanese imperialism. We support all revolutionary movements for national liberation, democracy and socialism against imperialism and local reaction. We hope that in due time the armed revolutionary struggles of the peoples in Southeast Asia will resurge.

We support the struggle of China and the Chinese people for the return of Taiwan to its motherland, the Democratic People�s Republic of Korea and entire Korean people for the reunifi cation of Korea and the Japanese people against US and Japanese monopoly capitalism, US-Japan security treaty and the US military bases.

The world proletarian revolution and the broad anti-imperialist movement are steadily advancing. We strive to contribute our best to the revolutionary advance of the proletariat and people of the world by carrying out the new-democratic revolution and by aiming consequently to undertake the socialist revolution.


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29 March 2001
English Edition

Seize every moment, advance the people�s war
1. The people's victory against the Estrada regime
2. Continuing rottenness of the ruling system
3. Continuing armed revolution for national liberation and democracy
4. Excellent conditions for waging people's war
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