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Resist the US aggression in Iraq

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The world's peoples must use all means to thwart the US' unjust war

The Communist Party of the Philippines strongly condemns the US government's armed agression in Iraq. In unilaterally and arrogantly waging this war, the US has directly trampled on the sovereignty of Iraq and the freedom of the Iraqi people.

It is a violation of the principles of equal rights, the sovereignty and independence of countries, mutual non-aggression and mutual non-interference in the internal affairs of countries. It is correct and necessary to unite the world's peoples and give all we can to end and frustrate this US imperialist aggression.

US President George W. Bush had arrogantly imposed a 48-hour ultimatum on March 18 for the Iraqi government to surrender and used this as a means towards waging war. The US' objective in attacking Iraq is to overthrow the anti-US government and set up a puppet regime. The Iraqi government was right to have condemned the ultimatum. It gave its own ultimatum for Bush to resign for waging an unjust war and for now being gravely isolated worldwide.

Bombs have been raining in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad for two days. Simultaneously, American soldiers, along with their tanks, have attacked towns in the country's southern portion.

The Iraqi people and government have been much angered, especially with the bombing of civilians' homes and buildings in Baghdad. The Iraqi people and soldiers now stand ready to defend their country. They are consolidating their ranks and awaiting the entry of American troops deep into the country to fight them both through regular and irregular warfare. The people, both armed and unarmed, are ready to launch a patriotic war.

The US has arrogantly shunted aside the opposition of the broad masses of the world's peoples, the majority of countries and even most of the US' allies. It took great pains to maneuver, scheme and concoct all kinds of rationalizations to obtain support for its war on Iraq. In the end, with the certain failure of the resolution it has been trying to pass in the United Nations, the US preempted, insulted and rendered the international forum inutile.

Such wanton disregard for international and diplomatic processes shows that the US has no intention of submitting to the vast majority of countries worldwide. It has demonstrated that the only decisive factor is its military superiority as the world's sole imperialist power. It has shown its capability to violate the basic principles of civilized relations among countries and trample on the sovereignty and independence of any country.

The US is now playing the heinous role that fascist Germany, Japan and Italy played in the Second World War. US imperialism is now reaping the unprecedented hatred of peoples and various countries worldwide.

The US' intense unilateralism and desire for war is driven by the avaricious desire to change the division of the world among imperialist countries, extend its hegemony to Iraq, set up a puppet regime in this country, obtain control of Iraq's oil as well as over most oil supplies in the Middle East and the entire world. It is driven by US imperialism's desperation in the face of a very intense economic crisis.

The CPP salutes the militancy and steadfastness demonstrated by the Iraqi people to defend their national sovereignty and oppose the dictates of the US imperialist superpower.

Iraq has every right to resist, eradicate and defeat attacking foreign armed forces and thwart attempts to establish US imperialist power in that country.

The CPP salutes the militancy and steadfastness demonstrated by the Iraqi people to defend their national sovereignty and oppose the dictates of the US imperialist superpower. The Iraqi people have no recourse but to launch a patriotic war against US aggression. In the face of the US' imperialist war on Iraq, the revolutionary forces and peoples the world over must launch all possible means and forms of struggle to resist and overthrow US imperialism.

Filipino revolutionaries and the Filipino people and all revolutionaries and peoples of the world must stand in solidarity with the Iraqi people's resistance to US armed aggression. With the US having trampled on the sovereignty and independence of Iraq, the threat of US aggression in the Philippines has grown. It is part of our internationalist duty to resist and frustrate US aggression in our country. Using all possible means, we must condemn and resist the Macapagal-Arroyo regime's blind support for its imperialist master. Governments supporting the US war of aggression on Iraq must be overthrown.

Revolutionary forces and the people in the US and in other warmonger and fascist cohorts of the US must launch all possible forms of struggle � legal and illegal, armed and unarmed � to thwart aggression against Iraq and deal blows on the imperialist governments of George W. Bush of the US, Tony Blair of the UK, Jos� Mar�a Aznar of Spain and John Howard of Australia.

It is absolutely correct to call on the people in these imperialist countries to transform the imperialist war into civil wars against their respective warmonger governments.


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22 March 2003
English Edition

Resist the US aggression in Iraq
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American soldiers in Central Panay

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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