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The US war of aggression in Mindanao (1899-1913)

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

To be able to concentrate their forces on Luzon and the Visayas, the American colonialists deceived the Sultan of Sulu into signing the Bates Agreement of 1899 that declared US sovereignty over the island of Jolo. With the defeat of major sections of revolutionary resistance in Luzon, the US unilaterally scrapped the agreement in 1904 and declared total war on Mindanao.

Moro warriors and the people of Mindanao gallantly resisted the American troops. Because of their superiority in both the number and quality of their weaponry, the American soldiers were able to defeat the struggle, but not before suffering major losses themselves. In retaliation, entire communities were massacred by US troops.

Among the most infamous of these incidents are the following:

Bud Dajo Massacre. Up to 900 persons died in a three-day attack by the Americans on the entrance to Bud Dajo volcano in Jolo where Tausug resistance fighters had entrenched themselves from March 5-7, 1906. Most of the dead, including children and women, were riddled with bullets. According to someone who saw the bodies, many of them were hit more than 50 times. The Tausugs, who were armed only with krises, spears and a few rifles, were no match to the US troops who were supported by cannons from their naval troops. Gen. Leonard Wood instructed the two battalions under his command to kill or capture the Tausugs. (General Wood became Governor-General of the Philippines from 1921-1927). The American troops were recorded to have suffered 21 dead and 75 wounded.

The .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol was created in 1911 because American soldiers needed a more powerful assault weapon against the so-called "huramentado". "Huramentado" was the pejorative term given to Moros who, armed only with krises, would attack American soldiers. They were ready to give up their lives rather than be enslaved by the imperialists. The Moro warriors would bind their joints to prevent bleeding should they be hit in the arm or leg. Thus, they did not falter and could continue attacking the persons shooting at them. With such determination shown by the Moro warriors, they could not be felled by lower caliber Springfield and Krag rifles and revolvers, which were the standard issue then for American soldiers. Consequently, many American officers and men died at the hands of the valiant Moros.

Bud Bagsak Massacre. Residents of Lati, Jolo entrenched themselves from January to June 1913 in solid fortresses in the mountains of Jolo. US troops launched a series of attacks on the fortresses until they reached the entrenchment at Mt. Bagsak. On June 11, 1913, Gen. John Pershing ordered an attack on the fortress. Up to 2,000 persons died including 196 women and 340 children. Although the incident was exposed in the media and assailed by the American people, Pershing was never punished.

Massacre in Talipao. Residents of Talipao, Jolo opposed paying taxes (such as the cedula tax and toll fees for the use of roads) to the US. They entrenched themselves in Mt. Talipao and on August 13, 1913, were attacked and defeated by American troops. This being the last major act of resistance by the Moros, the US declared an end to its war on Mindanao.


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March 2002
English Edition

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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