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Desperate attack by Israel on Palestine

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Since March 29, Israel has been attacking Palestine without letup. Using modern tanks, helicopters and other war equipment, more than 10,000 troops from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have attacked the Paletininian people who use only simple arms, and occupied practically the entire West Bank of Palestine.

It is the objective of Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon�s government to completely destroy Palestine so that it would be compelled to accept whatever resolution Israel would impose on the existence of a Palestinian state.

Before these attacks, the US supported the Sharon government in its termination of negotiations between Palestine and Israel and its view of militant Palestinians as "terrorists". It covertly supported Israel�s "right" to attack Palestine in the name of the "war against terrorism". Nonetheless, after the entire world condemned Israel�s attacks, the US was obliged to withdraw from such a position and call on Israel to stop its current attacks on Palestine.

But, according to US President Bush, he "understands" the reason behind Israel�s laying siege on Arafat and the "gradualness" of Israel�s withdrawal, which is delaying the resumption of negotiations.

In the face of pressure from the US and Israel, Arafat has firmly asserted the immediate withdrawal of Israel from Palestine. According to Arafat, there is need for a third party in any negotiation to resolve the current issues regarding Palestine.

Israel�s renewed attacks on Palestine have further stressed the justness of the Palestinian people�s struggle, firmed up their unity and strengthened their determination to wage resistance. They have also motivated the Arab countries to heighten their unity against Israel and roused precedented international support and sympathy for the Palestinian people�s resistance as well as worldwide condemnation of Israel. They have created a major rift within the international coalition that the US has been trying to build for its "anti-terrorist war".


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April 2002
English Edition

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Desperate attack by Israel on Palestine
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The whole world condemns renewed attacks by Israel on Palestine
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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