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Victorious NPA Offensives:
NPA seizes 22 firearms in raids and ambushes

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The New People's Army (NPA) seized 22 high-powered firearms in victorious tactical offensives launched in various parts of the country in August and September. Seven enemy forces were killed and six wounded in these offensives.

In Compostela Valley. A soldier was killed and four wounded when Red fighters ambushed soldiers of the 45th Scout Ranger Company on patrol in Barangay Andap, New Bataan on September 4.

In Bukidnon. Red fighters of the Ernesto Roa Command attacked a detachment of the 8th IB Bravo Company in Valencia City on August 28. The NPA confiscated six M14s, six garands, an M16 and two carbines. The raid was accomplished without a single shot being fired since it was timed to coincide with the reactionary soldiers' mealtime.

In Masbate. The NPA detonated a bomb on a vehicle carrying a group of police and military elements in Sitio Sug-ong, Barangay Lagta, Baleno town. Two policemen and three CVO elements were killed. The troops were reinforcements sent in response to the NPA's punishment of a retired policeman.

In Camarines Sur. The NPA raided the PNP Kababayan Center 6 in Barangay Carolina, Naga City at around 11:30 a.m. on September 2. One policeman was killed and two others wounded.

In Mindoro. The NPA seized 15 high-powered firearms in successive tactical offensives on August 19 and 20 in the two Mindoro provinces. According to Lucio de Guzman Command spokesperson Victor Rivero, the seized firearms include a 56 mm bazooka, an M203, pistols, ammunition and other military equipment.

On August 19, the NPA ambushed the Special Forces Company in Sitio Singco, Barangay Bukal, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro. Subsequently, they ambushed the 16th IB's "C" Company in Sitio Kambingan, Barangay San Agustin, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro.

In Quezon. The Apolonio Mendoza Command reported that three .50 caliber machine guns and two M16s were seized when they attacked a Philippine Navy vessel and Coast Guard station in Barangay Ungos, Real town on August 19.


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07 September 2003
English Edition

Intensify the people's struggle to overthrow the US-Arroyo regime

Quarrel between thieves:
Lacson exposes Arroyos' ill-gotten wealth

Victorious NPA Offensives:
NPA seizes 22 firearms in raids and ambushes
AFP soldiers encouraged to join revolutionary movement
AFP, CAFGU troops in Agusan del Sur defect to the NPA
In Eastern Visayas:
Excellent Party leadership in the locality

From the ranks of youth and students:
Ka Leo in the countryside

Developments Overseas:
Iraqi armed resistance spreading

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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