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Victorious NPA Offensives:Excellent planning, advantageous terrain and firm links with the masses

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Events during the victorious NPA offensive in San Ildefonso, Bulacan

On November 30, a 20-strong NPA unit staged a successful ambush in Barangay Pasong Bangkal, San Ildefonso, Bulacan on 20 soldiers belonging to the 56th IB's "C" Company, killing 14 troops and wounding five. The NPA seized 18 high-powered firearms.

The military took pains in claiming that the ambushed military unit was engaged in relief operations for typhoon victims. No less than the soldiers who survived the ambush, however, admitted that they were on a combat mission. Documents detailing the mission order and the scope, duration, the command and the units involved in their operation were likewise seized from 1Lt. Ben Puyao, the commanding officer. In addition, none of the soldiers caught in the firefight brought any relief items. Above all, the gunbattle took place in an area far from those affected by the flooding.

In a report, comrades from Central Luzon said that it was around 9 a.m. on November 30 when barriofolk sent word that the enemy was conducting operations. The comrades were still in the process of preparing for the day's tasks and decided to avoid an encounter with the enemy. At the same time, though, they made sure that they were on higher ground. They positioned themselves along a row of mango trees lining a road, far from the masses' houses. The mango trees were about 60 meters away from the highway. The place they chose also lay at the edge of the area still covered by thickets. If they went any father than this, they would likely be spotted.

While lying in wait, the Red fighters constantly received information from the barriofolk. According to the courier, based on their experience, the soldiers usually passed along this roadway whenever they conducted operations. It was around 3 p.m. when he quickly conveyed the information. "They're here, comrades!" he reported.

The guerrillas readied themselves. A few moments later, they saw the enemy walking single file. When all of the troops had entered the place of ambush, a gunshot shattered the silence. The other Red fighters followed suit, and the enemy responded with heavy fire. The NPA command gave clear orders: no one was to fire unless he or she had a clear target. This is to ensure that bullets are not wasted. The Red fighters fixed their sights on the enemy, making sure that every shot counted.

While exchanging fire, the NPA command noticed that the enemy had not moved and remained right where they were first fired upon. The soldiers lay huddled inside an excavation.

"Flank right!" "Take the road!" The CO of the NPA unit gave successive commands. Not long after, the guerrillas enveloped the paralyzed enemy. The fighting lasted one and a half hours.

Five wounded soldiers surrendered. The comrades gathered them and talked to them. Their wounds were treated to the extent possible. Comrades recounted that a soldier pleaded for them to simply take the money in his possession. "My wife is giving birth. The money for her childbirth is there in the bag." But the comrades simply told him to get the bag. To his happy surprise, they had him keep it. After ascertaining the wounded soldiers' condition, the Red fighters released the captives.

A Red fighter, Comrade Anacleto Butuan Jr. was martyred in this battle. Two other comrades were also wounded.

The guerrillas proved that an offensive against an enemy unit conducting operations can succeed through excellent tactics and techniques, the use of advantageous terrain and firm links with the masses. Despite the equal number of NPA troops and the enemy, the NPA had the advantage because of the firm support of the masses.

With these advantages, the NPA can defeat Philippine Army soldiers or even Scout Rangers who have supposedly undergone special training. The San Ildefonso offensive also showed the NPA's capability to quickly come up with an effective plan for an offensive that can assure victory.


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English Edition

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