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Victorious NPA offensives

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Soldiers ambushed in Capiz

The sergeant team leader of a nine-man squad of the 12th IB undertaking a "recon" patrol was killed when the New People's Army (NPA) ambushed his unit in Barangay Abangay in Tapaz, Capiz on July 31. Another soldier was also wounded.

The soldiers are notorious for their abusiveness. A day before the ambush, the team confiscated seven dug-out canoes owned by peasants which they planned to sell in Roxas City.

NPA seizes 7 rifles in Camarines Sur raid

Seven M16s were confiscated when the NPA attacked the police outpost in Cabusao, Camarines Sur on July 25. Two 9 mm's, a VHF radio, magazines, ammunition and other military equipment were likewise seized. A policeman was killed and another wounded in the 15-minute firefight.

According to correspondence reports, the NPA was able to retreat safely even before enemy reinforcements could arrive. The Red fighters were cheerfully welcomed by the masses because of their successful tactical offensive.

NPA ambushes SOT in Abra

The New People's Army (NPA) Agustin Begnalen Command in Abra ambushed a composite force of the 17th IB and the 503rd Bde that comprised a special operations team (SOT) in Sitio Tapayen, Alaoa, Tineg, Abra. A soldier was killed while another was wounded in the ambush. The SOT was presently launching "Oplan Alaoa" when it was ambushed.

According to a statement by NPA-Abra spokesperson Ka Diego Wadagan, they punished the 17th IB because it served as a private army of the Benwaren family, a clan of warlordpoliticians that has long ruled Tineg. The 17th IB "carries out terrorist attacks against people who do not agree with warlordism in Tineg," said Ka Diego. Ever since Oplan Alaoa was launched in March, 10 peasants accused of being NPA members have been charged with arson in relation to the burning down of a resort owned by the Benwaren family in November 2002.


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07 August 2003
English Edition

Exploit and intensify the rifts within the AFP

The regime is forcibly concealing the roots of the Makati mutiny
SONA 2003, Arroyo's fantasy
Fascist state on a rampage:
Record of the US-Arroyo regimes human rights violations

Correspondence reports:
Victories in dismantling the CAFGU in the Cordillera

Correspondence reports:
Military and CPLA behind marijuana production and trade

Victorious NPA offensives
CPP salutes Chairman Salamat Hashim

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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