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Estrada's proposed "emergency powers":
Betraying the regime's worsening crisis of rule

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Supposedly to hasten the rehabilitation of Mindanao, Estrada is asking the reactionary congress to grant him "emergency powers". Through these extra powers, Estrada wishes to prohibit strikes and favor capitalists with tax holidays and incentives in "economic zones"�some of the very policies behind the massive ruin of the country's economy. He aims to make Mindanao investor-friendly in order to attract foreign and local capitalists to exploit the island's rich resources.

Also among the extra powers desired by Estrada is a moratorium on the issuance by courts of temporary restraining orders against government projects that are under protest. Such a demand further exposes the regime's real intent�to eliminate any hindrance to its proimperialist and antipeople projects. It goes without saying that whoever opposes such projects will be more severely suppressed.

The implementation of the bogus Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program will also be suspended to finally cast off whatever remains of the reactionary government's pretentions to land reform.

According to the proposed Mindanao Rehabilitation and Development Act of 2000 (Senate Bill 2095), a Mindanao Coordinating Council will be convened to implement the ploy. It will be headed by Estrada, have the Congress and the judiciary as "observers", and include five representatives from the "private sector"� composed of none other than capitalists. Aside from the authority to draft such policies, the council can also enter into contracts for the construction, repair, rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance of electrical power plants, roads and other infrastructure in Mindanao. As in other deals between the government and private contractors, the occurrence of large-scale graft and corruption are a foregone conclusion in this case.

Worse, a plan to put the entire country under these "emergency powers" instead of confining its scope to Mindanao is being proposed.

What Estrada really intends with his proposed extra powers can be deduced from the facts cited. He is seeking to tighten fascist rule and further open the country's economy to plunder by imperialists and favored big capitalists, at the expense of the Filipino workers and people.

Estrada's insistence on "emergency powers" betrays his desperation to save his regime from its grave crisis of rule. It is the motive behind the regime's intensified attacks against the people. It also explains why Estrada is in such a hurry to open the national economy to the complete control of big capitalists.

The fascist and pro-imperialist "emergency powers" make the call for Estrada's ouster all the more valid. This plot must be vehemently opposed.


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July 2000
English Edition

Intensified fascist attacks showcase the further decay of the US-Estrada regime

Estrada's proposed "emergency powers":
Betraying the regime's worsening crisis of rule
Intensifying fascism in Metro Manila
Fascism against the LRT workers
The July 22 SOMO is malicious
502nd Brigade:
Scourge of Isabela

Abduction and illegal detention of Nomer Kuan and Romeo Sanchez
The US-Estrada regime's housing program:
Deception and violence against Metro Manila's poor

Justice for the victims of Payatas!
San Roque Multipurpose Dam Project:
Gigantic burden to the people

Lessons from the Hacienda Looc struggle
Southern Tagalog�s cultural squad:
Bannering revolutionary art

Amid "unprecedented prosperity" in the US:
Oppression and wretchedness among the American workers and people

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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