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Criminal and counterrevolutionary Romulo Kintanar meted punishment

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Revolutionary punishment was meted on Romulo Kintanar, a rabid criminal and counterrevolutionary, on January 23 in Quezon City. This was implemented by a special NPA unit after he had been sentenced by a special people's court in 2002. He was meted the maximum penalty on the basis of the many capital crimes he committed against the revolution and the people.

The first cases against Kintanar were filed at a special people's court in 1993. All things considered, the seriousness of his cases and his criminal accountabilities to the people and the revolutionary movement up to that time were sufficient to impose the maximum penalty on Kintanar.

The Party and the revolutionary movement have a policy where, in implementing revolutionary justice, the possibility of granting amnesty is raised and considered for anyone who shows genuine remorse and readiness to make rectifications for his or her wrongdoings. This policy was applied on all those who had betrayed the Party and the revolutionary movement, including Kintanar. But in the long course of time, he showed not an iota of remorse nor did he make any form of rectification. The cases filed against him regarding his criminal and counterrevolutionary activities grew. In the review conducted by the special people's court on his cases, weight was given to new evidence that proved that he was an incorrigible criminal and counterrevolutionary who further indulged in his crimes after openly betraying the Party and the revolutionary movement.

Foremost among them was being a military agent and his active assistance to the AFP and PNP's "anti-insurgency" campaign. Following are but a few of his biggest criminal accountabilities even when he still operated under false pretenses within the Party and the New People's Army: 1) Wanton abuse of authority within the Party and people's army in masterminding, conducting and spreading gangster and criminal operations. This included kidnapping for ransom, holdups of banks and other businesses, dollar counterfeiting and other crimes and anomalies. Through his connections with the reactionary government and the military, he was also involved in the large-scale plunder of government coffers for his personal indulgence.

He began his criminal activities as far back as the early 1980s in Davao City. They worsened by the middle to the late 1980s when he implemented them on the national scale. He recruited dregs of society and connived with criminal syndicates, military and police forces and corrupt elements that eventually turned traitor along with him and were expelled from the Party and the NPA.

It was clear to Kintanar and his cohorts that such activities violated the policies and rules of the Party and the NPA and ran counter to the Party's campaign against gangsterism. Thus, they purposely concealed them from the Party. Through these activites, he and his cohorts raked in millions of pesos.

In 1986, Kintanar's group kidnapped Japanese businessman Noboyuki Wakaoji, taking $10 million in ransom. In connivance with then CPP Visayas Commission secretary Arturo Tabara, Kintanar undertook the kidnapping of Bombo Radyo-Philippines owner and president Roger Florete, raking in P15 million.

2) Stealing huge amounts of funds from the movement. One of the biggest cases was discovered in 1991, wherein Kintanar took and stashed P30 million. Before he openly betrayed the Party, he likewise cleaned out Party funds from all the bank accounts that he knew of.

3) Attempts to divide and destroy the Party and revolutionary movement. Kintanar was one of those who masterminded factionalism and attempts to destroy the Party and the revolutionary movement. He avidly pushed the anti-Party campaign starting in September 1992. He encouraged the establishment of the counterrevolutionary RPA-ABB of Filemon Lagman and Arturo Tabara. He served as adviser on RPA-ABB policies until it adopted the policy of complete surrender to the reactionary government to become an instrument of the regime's counterrevolutionary operations.

Aside from this, he was also one of those who led the implementation of premature regularization, urban insurrectionism and other serious errors that brought harm to the Party and the revolutionary movement.

After openly betraying the Party in 1992, Kintanar's criminal and counterrevolutionary activities gained further momentum. He connived with the AFP and PNP against the Party and the revolutionary movement.

From 1992 until 2003, he was directly integrated into the AFP, PNP and NBI structures as well as other government intelligence agencies as a consultant, intelligence agent and special military and police operative against the revolutionary movement. This was confirmed by no less than Malaca�ang and the AFP after punishment was meted on him by the revolutionary movement. For his salary and front, he was made out to be a security consultant with the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation and the National Electrification Administration.

He used his long experience in the revolutionary movement to draft more effective policies and tactics against the New People's Army and against the Party in general. He directly connived with the ISAFP under Col. Victor Corpus in planning and implementing intelligence operations and psywar campaigns, sabotage operations, attacks and attempts to destroy NPA units and guerrilla zones.

In May 2000, he served as the project officer in a failed assassination attempt on Comrade Jose Maria Sison in The Netherlands. In this, he conspired with then PNP chief and now senator Panfilo Lacson.

Within the AFP and PNP, Kintanar became further mired in the operations of criminal syndicates, was involved in bureaucratic corruption and served as gun-for-hire for reactionary politicians and others who wanted to commission killings.

One of the hired killers under Kintanar and his uncle, former ISAFP chief, Gen. Galileo Kintanar, is Philip Medel, who is involved in the murder of actress Nida Blanca.

The maximum penalty was meted on Kintanar not because of his espousal of the wrong ideological, political and organizational line but because of his serious criminal accountabilities to the revolutionary movement and the people. Resignation from the Party or leaving the revolutionary movement, or simply espousing the erroneous line or speaking against the Party are not considered crimes punishable by death.

Contrary to statements by the Macapagal-Arroyo regime and his criminal and traitorous cohorts, Kintanar was not an "ordinary civilian" and definitely not a hero. He was a bigtime criminal and a military, police and intelligence operative who relentlessly brought harm to the revolutionary movement and the people. Thus, he became a legitimate military target of the revolutionary movement.


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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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