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The imposition of a new "Pax Americana"

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The US' direct colonization of Iraq signifies major global rearrangements resulting from US efforts to impose worldwide a "Pax Americana"�the concept of a world order that is subsumed to, defined by, and exists for the benefit of, the brutal power of US imperialism.

US imperialism has become more aggressive in the use of military means to effect the imperialist redivision of the world, pave the way for the US' seizure of much-coveted additional territory and spheres of influence, and further impose the sole superpower's hegemony and interests worldwide.

The invasion of Iraq was in accordance with the Bush regime's "preemptive strike" policy that calls for the US' arrogation of the "right" to strike first at any country, government or organization that, for whatever reason, supposedly threatens US security. In the case of Iraq, the US used as pretext its claims that the country harbored weapons of mass destruction despite the US' failure to prove that Iraq possessed such weapons before or even after the US had occupied the country and searched it inside-out.

The process of establishing a new government in Iraq is completely subservient to the US' control and discretion. The US will allow a number of key Iraqi puppets to participate in the process just so it could be said that the new government represents the people. To transform Iraq into a semicolony, the US first plans to install and ensure a system by which it would rule Iraq, plunder its wealth and secure the new government's loyalty to US interests.

By directly controlling Iraq's oil wealth, which is the second richest worldwide, it can have a tighter grip on the oil supplies in the Middle East, render inutile or manipulate the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and achieve decisive control over the world's oil supply.

Prior to this, the US' seizure of Afghanistan had given it strategic influence and control over Central Asia and the Caspian Sea region. From this, the US now has greater control over oil routes from these areas to the Arabian Sea and South Asia.

The US also has its eye on obtaining significant control over Latin American oil reserves, particularly those of Venezuela, which persists in its refusal to denationalize the oil industry.

After Iraq, the US is now putting the squeeze on Syria and Iran. Aside from having its own oil exports, Syria is also a leading exporter of refined oil from Iraq. Simultaneous with its war on Iraq, the US likewise bombed Syrian oil pipelines from Iraq, thus reducing Syrian oil exports by 40%. This early, the US is making sure it has enough troops and bases surrounding these countries for another possible blitzkrieg attack and occupation.

The US is also likely to shift the focus of its wars of aggression to Latin American countries that have governments hostile to the US or strong anti-US revolutionary movements. The US is currently being plagued by the anti-imperialist Chavez government in Venezuela that has refused to dismantle na-tional control over the country's oil. The US has thus been actively intervening to topple this gov-ernment. The US also wants to monopolize Colombia's oil and is actively interfering in the coun-terrevolutionary war in the country on the pretext of conducting an anti-drug campaign.

It is likewise itching to inter-vene directly in armed counter-revolution against the revolu-tionary forces in the Philippines. The US considers the revolutionary movement in the Philippines as one of the most significant threats to its interests in the Asia-Pacific.


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21 April 2003
English Edition

Thwart the US' imposition of imperialist power worldwide

Lessons from the 12-year imperialist suppression campaign against Iraq
The imposition of a new "Pax Americana"
Denationalization, privatization and plunder in the name of "reconstruction"
A vultures' feast
On its 30th founding anniversary
NDF: The indestructible bastion of the Filipino people's struggle

Correspondence Reports:
NPA gains strength in Mindanao

Victorious NPA Offensives:
Active defense in Bulacan

Victorious NPA Offensives:
Armed struggle continues to advance

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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