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Reports from correspondents:
5TH ID Involved in illegal loggings

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

BRIG. GEN. RODOLFO ALVARADO IS COVERING UP the involvement of the 5th ID in illegal logging in Diden along the border of San Mariano and San Guillermo in Isabela. Instead, he mendaciously brags that the 5th ID is there to stop the NPA�s logging activities.

In a statement issued on December 8, 2001, Comrade Salvador del Pueblo said that the 5th ID is an instrument of big capitalist loggers such as the Dy family of Isabela. Its troops serve as sawmill guards. They also watch over exit points for logs in Maconacon, Dinapigue; Masipi, Cabagan; and San Mariano, all in Isabela; and in Rizal, Lasam, Piat, Sto. Niño and Baggao in Cagayan province. They guard trucks that transport logs and lumber.

Alvarado and his men involved in the payola racket from illegal logging rake in a lot of money. They earn hundreds of thousands of pesos from "confiscated" logs. It is no secret to the masses that the volume of seized logs reported by the 5th ID in the military�s weekly radio program is much smaller than that actually "confiscated".

Said Comrade del Pueblo, "the New People�s Army strictly and totally bans logging by big capitalists and imperialists in areas where the Party, people�s army and people�s democratic government have achieved a sufficient level of political and military strength."

He said that only local residents are allowed to log, but only for the purpose of constructing houses or to raise cash during emergencies. Permission for such logging activities must also be secured from the Party committees that have jurisdiction over the area.

According to del Pueblo, "for the revolutionary movement, the forests and nature in general must primarily serve the interests of the people. We defend and nurture them for the welfare, needs, protection and future of present and succeeding generations of the masses of the people."


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January 2002
English Edition

The people could no longer stand the Macapagal-Arroyo regime

Conflicts within the ruling classes further intensify
Macapagal-Arroyo regime relentlessly obstructing the peace talks
With the affront to the principle of national sovereignty:
The Peace Talks are in Peril

Armed intervention by US Imperialism in the Philippines: A Reprise
American troops:
Basing themselves anew in the Philippines

Opposition to Entry of Armed US troops spreads
Mutual Logistics Support Agreement:
New name for an old agreement

Reports from correspondents:
The 5th ID�s abuses in Isabela

Reports from correspondents:
5TH ID Involved in illegal loggings
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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