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From the ranks of youth and students:
Ka Leo in the countryside

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

In the latter half of the last decade, a significant number of students from the cities headed for the countryside to take part in the armed struggle. In a guerrilla zone in Albay, Ang Bayan was able to interview Ka Leo, one of the students who chose to work full time and are now among the struggling masses in the countryside.

It is heartening to see the big changes in Ka Leo since he set foot in a guerrilla zone six years ago. Most important of them is his greater enthusiasm and determination in the field of armed struggle.

Ka Leo came from the ranks of militant students in a university in Manila. He joined the Kabataang Makabayan in 1995.

He decided to work full time in an urban area in early 1997. But he first wanted to experience living with the Red army and the masses in the countryside before deciding whether his long-term perspective would be to work full time in the countryside or city. Thus, in the latter part of 1997, he entered a guerrilla zone in Albay for a three-month program of integration in the countryside.

In those three months, he realized the need in the countryside for youth with the capacity to provide political instruction. Comrades pointed out that he could play an important part in the work of the NPA, especially in teaching mass courses.

Those three months steeled his willingness to devote all his time to the arena of armed struggle. Thus, he did not hesitate to work full time in the countryside.

Being a city-bred beginner, Ka Leo underwent some difficulties in adjusting to new and difficult tasks, conditions and lifestyle.

The most difficult situation he had to face was when he got into a argument with a veteran comrade regarding his leadership as a squad leader. For some time he was demoralized, but with the help of comrades and through self-criticism, he regained his enthusiasm and has since maintained it.

Under the guidance of proletarian ideology, Ka Leo sought to completely appreciate and cherish life in the countryside. Likewise, he always strives to be on guard against, and overcome, petty bourgeois thoughts and habits and to internalize proletarian thinking and culture. He studied their area of operation and came to know the masses living there. He learned the correct way of relating with the masses. According to Ka Leo, "it is important to practice simple living at all times." He added that one must never forget to respect the masses and always listen to their problems and opinions. Much more than weapons, it is the masses who can protect the people's army in the face of the enemy.

Learning the Bicol language has also been a challenge to Ka Leo. He diligently studied the language, which was important in his desire to reach out and understand comrades and the masses. Not long afterward, he was able to speak the language withour faltering and now has a wide enough vocabulary.

Being a squad leader for two years was of great help in the development of his revolutionary practice. He led a squad composed mainly of young Red fighters and operated in an area where the mass movement was not yet consolidated. They experienced hardships and underwent sacrifices.

However, according to Ka Leo, their achievements in organizing the masses in the barrios have strengthened his resolve and raised his militancy.

Ka Leo now contributes greatly to education and organizing work in his area of operation in Albay. And from his experiences in being a full-timer in the countryside, he now helps and supports other new full-time comrades in the people's army.

Ka Leo is but one among the youth who have decided to devote their strength and talents in serving the people by working full-time in the countryside. Youth like him play a very important role.


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07 September 2003
English Edition

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In Eastern Visayas:
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From the ranks of youth and students:
Ka Leo in the countryside
Developments Overseas:
Iraqi armed resistance spreading

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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