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Raise the level of the growing patriotic united front

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the revolutionary forces welcome the emergence and rapid expansion of the patriotic united front that resists American military presence and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s blind obedience to every directive and policy of US imperialism.

The Party recognizes the big potential of the patriotic united front not only in resisting the burning issues of US military intervention, but also in further strengthening the movement to terminate Macapagal-Arroyo�s puppet rule.

Macapagal-Arroyo�s servility to US imperialism, especially to warmonger US President George W. Bush�s "war against terrorism" is despicable. Macapagal-Arroyo is in a mad scramble to obtain (a) economic aid to shore up the tottering economy; (b) military support to push the counterrevolutionary all-out war; and (c) political support especially for her plan to run as president in 2004.

To attain this, Macapagal-Arroyo relentlessly advances the presence of US troops in the country through successive military exercises involving American soldiers and is pushing for the ratification of the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement (MLSA).

The regime has given its all-out support for US imperialism�s arrogant and arbitrary foreign policy, especially its plans to wage war on Iraq. With the exception of United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair, Macapagal-Arroyo is alone in her zealous support for such US plans. Even before the US had requested it, the puppet regime had already offered the use of Philippine airspace and airports by the US military without the slightest consideration for the national interest.

The Macapagal-Arroyo�s blind devotion to US imperialism, the ravaging of Philippine sovereignty and the thorough disregard for national honor have stoked the fires of patriotism among broad numbers of the people.

Even traditional politicians, including some from Macapagal-Arroyo�s party, church people, the media and independent personalities have been impelled to oppose her. Among them is Vice Pres. Teofisto Guingona, who was booted out of the Department of Foreign Affairs for actively opposing the MLSA, Balikatan, the "all-out war" and the "war against terrorism" in unity with the national democratic forces.

This was starkly demonstrated on September 16 in a gathering attended by the senators who voted against the military bases in 1991 along with some congressmen, progressives and democratic organizations and personalitities. (See related article)

The patriotic united front is bound to expand even further. With the passage of time, there is more and more loathing for Macapagal-Arroyo�s blind obedience to the Bush doctrine, which is being criticized and condemned by a growing number of states and peoples the world over. Macapagal-Arroyo�s isolation from the broad masses of the Filipino people is thus worsening.

The revolutionary forces must redouble their efforts in further expanding and strengthening the patriotic and democratic united front. Patriotic struggles in the Philippines must also be linked to the patriotic struggles of peoples of other countries.

We must set ablaze the spirit of militant patriotism, the active and resolute resistance to US imperialism�s subjugation of Philippine national sovereignty. The patriotic and democratic united front will wield as its main weapon the launching nationwide of massive protest actions, drawing in the various sectors and social strata.

In accordance with the patriotic agenda, the MLSA must be discarded along with the Visiting Forces Agreement and other unequal treaties that advocate US interventionism and hegemonism. We must demand an end to military exercises and the presence of American troops, push for the resumption of peace negotiations with the NDF and oppose all US moves that imperil the peace talks. We must call for an end to US warmongering against Iraq and the withdrawal of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s support for this unjust war.

Within the framework of a broad patriotic front, we must encourage the middle forces to advance the concrete demands of the basic masses against imperialist plunder and oppression.

The patriotic united front must highlight the issues of economic sovereignty and the oppressive policies of imperialist "globalization" and expose and oppose the widespread poverty and overall economic crisis it engenders.

We must likewise encourage the patriotic forces to steadfastly resist the fascist policies attendant to the US "war against terrorism", including the proposed anti-"terrorism" law that aims to suppress the Filipino people�s basic civil rights.

The patriotic and democratic united front is imbued with much relevance. It is comparable to the broad popular unity against the US military bases that led to the rejection of the military treaty�s renewal in 1991. In fact, this patriotic front may encompass even bigger numbers as there are currently so many burning issues that expose the imperialist oppression of the Philippines and the puppetry of the neocolonial republic.

In waging all-out action and resistance, the patriotic united front may play a big role in frustrating Macapagal-Arroyo�s attempts to remain in power beyond 2004. A powerful mass movement may even now be generated to put an end to the puppet Macapagal-Arroyo regime. It would be fine if Macapagal-Arroyo�s successor were to stand for a program advocating national sovereignty and freedom in the economic, political and military realms.


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October 2002
English Edition

Raise the level of the growing patriotic united front
Guingona�s voice of patriotism
Military bases ouster commemorated
Top Story:
Successful tactical offensives of the NPA

Bush warmongering against Iraq continues
Bush: Hitler, threat to peace
US: Threat to the security and independence of nations
Opposition to war on Iraq spreads
The Arroyo couple�s scandalous corruption
The Mike Arroyo-NAD conspiracy
Land-occupation in northwestern Leyte:
Unity and resolute resistance

The capitulation and criminality of the RPM-RPA-ABB
Defend Comrade Joema
On the terrorism of US imperialism and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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