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US feigns interest in resolving turmoil in the Sudan
Control of oil is the real motive

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

George W. Bush�s government is in a mad scramble to "resolve" the turmoil that has embroiled the Sudan because the US greatly covets the Sudan's oil.

The Bush government makes it appear that its only desire is to end the chaos in Darfur, Sudan and eliminate human rights violations against the Darfurians. The US has also invoked claims that the Sudan is infested with terrorist groups.

It is clear, however, that the US' real purpose is to gain control of the Sudan's oil industry. The US intervenes in the Sudan just as it has subjugated Iraq for its oil and occupied Afghanistan to pursue its plans of constructing an oil pipeline across the country.

It is extremely important for the US to take control of the Sudan's oil because it needs alternative fuel sources. In the Middle East, where the significant US oil suppliers are Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, tension remains high due to continued resistance by armed Iraqi militants to US forces in Iraq. In Saudi Arabia, attacks from anti-US groups disrupt the operations of oil companies.

The US imports 60% of its total oil consumption every year.

According to representatives of the Sudanese Energy Ministry, Sudan has 700 million barrels in proven oil reserves plus an estimated 300 million barrels more.

The US wants to seize and control the country's oil which is currently in the hands of Lundin Oil of Sweden, Petronas of Malaysia, the state-owned China National Petroleum Company, OMV of Austria, Qatari Gulf Petroleum Company, TotalFinaElf of France, ONGC Videsh Ltd. of India, and the Sudanese government-owned Sudapet.

Aside from its plans to control Sudanese oil, the US intends to extend an oil pipeline from the Arabian Gulf which would run through the port of Yanbu in Saudi Arabia towards Arous in the Sudan, traverse Darfur towards Chad, and go onward to the Atlantic Ocean once the tension dissipates in Iraq.

Despite an agreement signed on April 8 by the Sudanese government and the United Nations to end the anarchy in the country, the US has initiated a resolution approved by the UN Security Council, ordering the Sudanese government to disarm the group that has been fomenting chaos in Darfur and put an end to all its attacks in 30 days, or face more serious sanctions.

The Sudanese government has refused to comply with the resolution, saying that it contravenes its previous agreement with the UN. The US has threatened an economic embargo, which would actually redound to greater hardships for Sudanese refugees.

The US continues to intervene in the conflict in Darfur. It continues to pressure the Sudanese government, not to save the millions of people in Darfur and achieve peace, but to take control of and plunder the Sudan's oil that it covets.


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21 August 2004
English Edition

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US feigns interest in resolving turmoil in the Sudan
Control of oil is the real motive
US feigns interest in resolving turmoil in the Sudan
Grave anarchy in Darfur

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