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Thwart the US' imposition of imperialist power worldwide

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Intensifying US imperialist militarism and aggression will be resisted and thwarted by the world's peoples

After imposing its power on Iraq, the US is ever so arrogantly intensifying armed intervention and unbridledly threatening direct armed aggression in other parts of the globe.

The US continues to threaten with armed aggression countries and revolutionary movements that assert national sovereignty and freedom. This is in accordance with the "Bush doctrine" that brutally imposes US hegemony in order to let "Pax Americana" prevail for the benefit of US monopoly capitalism.

With the smoke from the bombed-out cities of Iraqi yet to clear, the US is now threatening war anew against Syria, one of Iraq's neighboring countries. The US accuses Syria of aiding Iraq. With its failure to come up with weapons of mass destruction even after turning Iraq inside-out, the US now accuses Syria of having harbored these weapons. The US continues to threaten Iran and North Korea, which, along with Iraq, the US considers part of the "axis of evil."

As the US struts proudly in its aggression into and occupation of Iraq, the Arroyo regime further manifests such shameless puppetry and submission to US world hegemony and all attendant US measures. Arroyo was reverently jubilant and applauded the US' rampage in Iraq and its imposition of imperialist colonial power in that country. She repeatedly mentions the US' thoroughly discredited lies about the weapons of mass destruction and the supposed eradication of threats to peace due to the Hussein regime's collapse.

With such slavish eagerness, Arroyo waits for the crumbs to fall from the table of American monopoly capitalists who are now slaughtering Iraq. The regime most ardently hopes that more Filipinos could work in Iraq with the onslaught of US monopoly capitalist vultures who have bagged contracts for the "reconstruction" of Iraq.

Arroyo's obsequious acquiescence to US international policy and hegemony is mirrored in her own policies that are militarist, repressive and dependent on US intervention in the Philippines' internal affairs. But Arroyo relentlessly pushes US armed intervention in the Philippines. This faces widespread opposition from the people and other sectors in the country and even the reactionary constitution forbids it.

Arroyo rode on US imperialism's jubilation over its occupation of Iraq. She immediately announced that she will push through with Balikatan 03-3 which calls for the entry of armed US combat troops to Sulu. This is in utter obedience to US President Bush's order to position and train US forces against the revolutionary forces of the New People's Army and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The deployment of US combat troops against the Abu Sayyaf is being used as a trial balloon.

The Arroyo regime's out-and-out puppetry marks its intense desperation in the face of a very severe economic and social crisis. The regime grows ever more corrupt and isolated and continues to collapse. The people can no longer stand the regime. They have become impervious to its various gimmicks to deodorize itself and deceive the people. Opposition to the regime is growing and intensifying.

The fires of patriotism are rapidly spreading and blazing. They will certainly block the armed intervention and aggression of American troops in the Philippines. They will also resist the economic, political and other forms of imperialist intervention, domination and oppression in the country.

The patriotic united front is expanding. It broadens the ranks of the people resisting the intensifying armed intervention and growing threat of direct armed aggression by the US in the Philippines. It draws in the broadest international support for the struggle of the Filipino people.

All this takes place amid fervent and expanding international protests against US imperialism's avarice, militarism and belligerency. World protests against US armed aggression in Iraq are unprecedented in history. Various forms of resistance by the world's peoples continue vis a vis all attempts by US imperialism to impose and expand its hegemony and further perpetrate enslavement and oppression and sow disorder worldwide.

The revolutionary movement and the Filipino people's antiimperialist struggles play a growing role and represent a significant contribution to the international anti-imperialist movement. Aside from this, the Party and the revolutionary movement in the Philippines also consciously perform their internationalist duty to support the struggles of revolutionary forces and the exploited and oppressed peoples in different parts of the globe.

We support the cry of the Iraqi people for the expulsion of armed American occupation troops from their country. We support the peoples of Afghanistan, Palestine and other semicolonies and countries undergoing colonization against occupation by the US and its allies. We oppose the US' warmongering and threats of war against Syria, Iran and North Korea.

Revolutionary movements and countries that assert and fight for their national sovereignty as well as peoples advancing just struggles are one with us in resistance.

The international struggle against the US' greed, militarism and belligerency favors the ever rapid advance of the anti-imperialist and revolutionary movement the world over. It is the duty of the proletariat and its party in all parts of the globe to unite all enslaved and oppressed peoples, promote their interests and lead and advance all their struggles against fascism, imperialism and reaction and for national liberation, democracy and socialism.


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21 April 2003
English Edition

Thwart the US' imposition of imperialist power worldwide
Lessons from the 12-year imperialist suppression campaign against Iraq
The imposition of a new "Pax Americana"
Denationalization, privatization and plunder in the name of "reconstruction"
A vultures' feast
On its 30th founding anniversary
NDF: The indestructible bastion of the Filipino people's struggle

Correspondence Reports:
NPA gains strength in Mindanao

Victorious NPA Offensives:
Active defense in Bulacan

Victorious NPA Offensives:
Armed struggle continues to advance

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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