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The whole world condemns renewed attacks by Israel on Palestine

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

There has been an outpouring of support from various parts of the globe for the struggle of the Palestinians as well as severe condemnation for Israel�s attacks and brutality in Palestine.

Large-scale demonstrations and other actions by the people have assailed both Israel and the US. There have been widespread, continuous and massive rallies within and outside Palestine, and even inside Israel. Up to 80,000 launched protest actions in Egypt and more than 100,000 in Rabat, Morocco.

Up to 100,000 rallied on April 21 in Washington DC, USA for the liberation of Palestine. In Europe, more than 18,000 rallied in Paris, aside from thousands of persons who waged a demonstration in various cities in France. Twenty-thousand rallied in Rome, Italy aside from thousands of people who rallied in other countries in the Middle East, Europe and Asia, Australia and Canada.

In Jenin, Ramallah itself and other parts of Palestine, thousands of Palestinians, Israelis and peace advocates from different parts of the globe militantly took a stand to physically block the advance of Israeli tanks and troops. Palestinians have been holding rallies almost daily to assert the removal of aggressor troops from Israel.

Arab nations have now achieved a higher level of unity in support of Palestine and in roundly condemning Israel. They united during the recently held Arab Summit on March 28 that advocated the revival of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and the repatriation of 3.6 million Palestinian refugees scattered in various countries. In this regard, Jordan has taken the lead in sending food, medicine and other support for the Palestinians.

Iraq has allotted a huge amount for financial support for families of Palestinians who died while struggling against Israel or at the hands of the Israelis. Along with this, Iraq has reduced its oil production by 50% and challenged other members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to unite on such a measure to put pressure on the US to move against Israel. The US and other Western countries depend a great deal on oil supplies from the Middle East.

Successive resolutions have been issued by international forums against Israel�s attacks. The European Union (EU) has been quick to condemn the Israeli occupation and has threatened to impose an economic embargo on Israel.

Various progressive and democratic forces have filed petitions with the UN and other international organizations to call for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from Palestine, the dispatch of an international peace-keeping force and humanitarian and material aid to Palestine and the launching of a fact-finding mission.

By a vote of 20-0 on April 10, the UN Security Council has called for an immediate end to the military operations of Israel in the West Bank and the implementation of previous UN resolutions recognizing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.


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The whole world condemns renewed attacks by Israel on Palestine
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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