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Anti-"globalization" protest actions surging forward

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Acts of resistance to imperialist "globalization" in various parts of the globe have become more vigorous in the past two years. They have been characterized by gigantic demonstrations within and outside the centers of capitalism as well as broad tactical alliances encompassing hundreds of organizations and individuals. Indeed, monopoly bourgeois businessmen and politicians could not gather anywhere in the world without being confronted by widespread people�s protests. In response, local military and police forces have been violently dispersing most of the demonstrations.

While focused on summits called by various international institutions and imperialists (IMF, WB, WTO, FTAA, Group of 8, EU, WEF), all these rallies resisted the economic policies of imperialism that have caused the ruination of semicolonies, secondary capitalist countries and the world�s peoples. The protests� constant theme was opposition to "globalization" and its attendant policies of liberalization, privatization, deregulation and denationalization of national economies.

Among the most significant are the following:

Seattle, USA: In what has been called the "Battle in Seattle", more than 60,000 people thronged to the city�s streets in November 1999 to oppose "globalization" policies. The demonstrations focused on the opening of the World Trade Organization meeting. When disorder broke out, the US government imposed martial law in the streets of Seattle and violently dispersed the demonstrations. The "Battle in Seattle" was the very first big anti-"globalization" demonstration launched within the backyard of US imperialism.

Prague, Czech Republic: More than 50,000 activists timed their rally to coincide with the opening of the IMF-WB meeting in September 2000. As expected, the police violently dispersed the demonstrations.

Melbourne, Australia: Up to 30,000 protested during the opening of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Melbourne in September 2000. In Brazil, the World Social Forum was launched in January 2001 and attended by more than 10,000 parliamentarians, scientists, union leaders and activists from various parts of the globe. The forum was timed to coincide with the WEF in Davos, Switzerland � a meeting of the biggest companies worldwide.

Quebec, Canada: Quebec became a center of protests when the Summit of the Americas was held here in April 2001. The police violently dispersed the rallies, arresting up to 400 demonstrators.

Gothenburg, Sweden: More than 20,000 trooped to and rallied in Gothenburg while the European Summit was being held here in June 2001. The rallyists criticized "globalization". Police attacked, truncheoned and shot at some demonstrators. More than 500 were arrested and hundreds were injured, three of them from gunshot wounds.

Genoa, Italy: Up to 200,000 demonstrators were violently dispersed by 20,000 policemen in Genoa, Italy in July 2001. The protests were timed to coincide with the opening of the summit of the Group of 8, composed of the eight wealthiest countries in the world. A demonstrator was shot and killed by the police and even run over by an armored vehicle. Many protesters were injured and illegally arrested.

Brussels, Belgium: Up to 80,000 workers and other people rallied in Brussels for two days before the European Summit convened here in December 2001. The rallyists demanded the reduction of unemployment, improved social services, more extensive workers� rights and better working conditions.

Barcelona, Spain: Three-hundred thousand people protested in Barcelona against "globalization". The protest was timed to coincide with the conduct of the European Union Summit in March of this year. The police violently dispersed the rally through the use of tear gas and other riot dispersal gear. Up to 10 people were injured and 50 arrested.

Washington DC, USA: Up to 100,000 demonstrators gathered in Washington DC in April 2002 to coincide with the opening of the WTO Ministeral Meeting. Aside from issuing anti-"globalization" calls, the rallyists likewise called for a stop to the US� "war against terrorism" and Israel�s terrorism in Palestine.


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June 2002
English Edition

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Anti-"globalization" protest actions surging forward
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