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Take advantage of the situation arising from the mutiny of junior military officers

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Executive Committee of the Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

The mutiny launched by junior AFP officers quickly collapsed. But in spite of that, the AFP, PNP and reactionary ruling classes continue to be rocked by the mutineers' expos�s and condemnations of the rampant corruption in the reactionary government and the AFP-PNP, the grave demoralization besetting officers and soldiers' ranks and the Malaca�ang and AFP plot to sow terror and conduct a spate of bombings in Mindanao. These expos�s and condemnations have had a severe impact on the AFP-PNP junior officers and rank-and-file and even on ordinary citizens.

Prominent among the issues ignited by the mutiny were those of AFP corruption and the terrorist bombings in Mindanao. But the mutiny also brought to the fore the people's severe poverty, governmental and societal decadence, the real roots of the armed conflict and the need for fundamental social change.

Malaca�ang propagandists and lawyers have used the reactionary opposition�s links to the military mutiny as a pretext to belittle the protest launched by the junior officers, contain the damage caused by the mutineers and pressure political rivals. Although there are signs of such links, there are likewise clear indications that the junior officers had their own issues to raise and exercised their own initiative. On the other hand, the involvement of anti-GMA reactionaries in extraconstitutional measures � besides reflecting the desperation of some of them � further intensifies the rifts and conflicts among reactionaries.

The mutiny and the subsequent criticisms, maneuvers and counter-maneuvers have thus further set ablaze burning national and social issues and further intensified rifts among reactionaries. Let us seize the favorable situation to expand and invigorate agitation and propaganda work, mass protests, tactical offensives and alliance work.

The further invigoration of mass struggles and tactical offensives constitutes the best preparation for other big struggles: the Bush visit, resistance to US military intervention, resistance to intensified fascist attacks against guerrilla fronts and the mass movement, and the 2004 elections, among others.

Even as we avoid being bound by the question of whether to support or condemn the mutiny�let us underscore the cases of corruption, the AFP's terrorist bombings in Mindanao as well as the puppet regime's other antipeople, antinational and antidemocratic schemes that have been brought to light in order to further expand mass protests, intensify agitation among the military and police rank-and-file and further expand our links and cooperation with the broadest possible number among the ranks of progressive and positive forces.

Let us further isolate and deal blows on US imperialism, the ruling Macapagal-Arroyo puppet clique and the AFP and PNP high command. The AFP's terrorist intrigues in Mindanao directly serve intensifying US military intervention and the puppet state and the reactionaries' all-out militarization and fascist terrorism.

Likewise, let us be on the alert regarding the emergence of more and bigger rifts within the ruling reactionary faction in order to further isolate the biggest and most rabid puppets and reactionaries surrounding the Arroyo-Reyes clique.

It is right for the legal democratic movement to maintain its distance from the reactionary anti-Estrada opposition and the worst political remnants of the fascist Marcos clique. It is also right for the legal democratic movement to march separately even if pro-Estrada and pro-Marcos forces tag along during mass actions on a single issue or occasion.

At the same time, we must actively exploit their intense conflict with the ruling Macapagal-Arroyo faction. We must be aggressive and creative in looking for ways for the mass movement and revolutionary movement to benefit from it indirectly and clandestinely.

Let us underscore the cases of corruption, the AFP's terrorist bombings in Mindanao as well as the puppet regime's other antipeople, antinational and anti-democratic schemes that have been brought to light in order to further expand mass protests, intensify agitation among the military and police rank-and-file and further expand our links and cooperation with the broadest possible number among the ranks of progressive and positive forces.

The mass movement and alliance work in Mindanao have a particularly important role to play. We must strengthen the movement to investigate the bombings and fascist terrorism in Mindanao, punish the brains behind this and indemnify and lend assistance to the victims. This movement should focus on exposing and resisting intensifying US military intervention as well as militarism and fascism in the island and nationwide. The legal democratic movement in various areas nationwide, especially in Metro Manila, must actively assist in strengthening the protest movement in Mindanao.

The response of the youth movement to the issues and mutiny of junior AFP officers is likewise of particular importance. The progressive youth movement must take the lead in bringing to the fore and discussing issues on corruption, poverty, corruption in society and government, and fundamental social change and mobilize the broad masses of the youth and people to resolve them.

The anti-imperialist protest movement must be strengthened as part of the continuing resistance to US military intervention, the struggle against imperialist globalization, and preparations for the Bush visit in October. There has been a slew of big issues that can be highlighted until Bush's arrival: military intervention, the open skies agreement, the World Trade Organization's all-out liberalization of agricultural trade, the agreement granting immunity to US personnel against trial by the International Criminal Court, and charter change to further favor transnational corporations, among others.

We must expand and invigorate cooperation with, and the mobilization of, patriotic forces and elements. Let us invigorate protest actions, propaganda work, forums and other anti-imperialist gatherings and activities and confront Bush with gigantic protests.

The invigoration of NPA tactical offensives plays a significant role in exacerbating the political crisis of the reactionary ruling system. We must further expand and intensify tactical offensives in order to wage all-out resistance as the puppet Arroyo-Reyes clique scrambles to shift ever bigger numbers of forces and arms to NPA guerrilla fronts. We must hold the clique accountable for the intensifying fascist terrorism in the countryside and cities, and resist intensifying US military intervention.

Most important of all, we must further strengthen agitation work and mass struggles in villages, factories, communities and streets. Active, comprehensive agitation and propaganda work must be accompanied by greater efforts to reach out to and mobilize the broad masses in their numbers at the grassroots. We must determinedly resolve and overcome the obstructions and problems in expanding and raising the level of mass organizations.

We must determinedly revive and invigorate mass campaigns and protests. We must systematize and develop methods and techniques to arouse and mobilize the masses.


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15 August 2003
English Edition

Take advantage of the situation arising from the mutiny of junior military officers
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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