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Radyo Gil-ayab in Cagayan
Another weapon in education, propaganda and cultural work

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The trial broadcast of Radyo Gil-ayab was like a spark that started a prairie fire in all of Cagayan Valley.

Radyo Gil-ayab (Iloko word for "blaze"), the radio station of the revolutionary movement in Northeastern Luzon is now ablaze in the entire Cagayan Valley. After its successful trial broadcast, Radyo Gil-ayab will regularly broadcast every two months and will be disseminated in the form of compact disks and cassette tapes.

Gil-ayab aims is to clarify to the people the revolutionary movement's stand and analysis on burning issues in the region and nationwide, transmit news on people's struggles and propagate revolutionary culture and art.

Its trial broadcast in October featured a message from NDF regional spokesperson Ka Salvador del Pueblo during Peasant Week.

The comrades and masses were completely delighted by "Paran", an adaptation of a Bombo Radyo-Cagayan advertisement on the rottenness of jueteng (an illegal numbers game) and how it is used as a milking cow by politicians. But in this adaptation, Paran argues with his wife not on whether to place a bet in jueteng but about joining a confrontation rally of peasants to reduce interest rates on loans.

The segment "Tangguyob ti Gubat" ("War Trumpet"), on the other hand, delivered news on regional and national developments in August and September.

The masses were also elated when "Laglagipen, Ilaban Nagbannugan!" ("Never Forget to Fight For What You Worked Hard For!") was featured in the cultural section. This is a song about the people's struggle against the Community-Based Forest Management or CBFM, which is a burning issues for peasants in the region.

The first regular broadcast is set for this month. Emulating well-liked programs in the bourgeois mass media, Radyo Gil-ayab will feature additional segments such as "Toy Nagsurat a Kadasig yo" (This Writer Who Is of Your Class), a drama about the life and struggle of comrades and the masses and "Takder Proletaryo" (Proletarian Stand), a 20-minute talk show, among others.

Like other guerrilla radio programs, Radyo Gil-ayab uses simple equipment and processes to come up with a broadcast. It uses the Sound Forge 5.0 computer program for recording, mixing sounds and inserting sound effects; and Adobe Premiere for editing. Other equipment used are a lapel microphone, headphones and a tape recorder. The staff approaches various guerrilla units to get voice talents. It is composed of three people who engage in mass work in between their radio work.

Producing a broadcast goes through four stages: pre-production or script writing; production or recording; editing; and finally, the reproduction of copies. A typical production usually takes from one to two weeks. Radyo Gil-ayab also plans to set up similar units or radio groups in every guerrilla front in the region.

Radyo Gil-ayab is the latest of the many propaganda forms that the revolutionary movement in Cagayan Valley now maximizes in response to the Party's call to further improve the conduct of propaganda and education work and expand their scope.

With the broadcast of Radyo Gil-ayab, it is hoped that thousands more people will be reached by revolutionary propaganda that will further raise the consciousness and militancy of comrades and the masses and further fan the flames of struggle in all of Cagayan Valley.


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21 December 2003
English Edition

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Radyo Gil-ayab in Cagayan
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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