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Strengthen the protest movement against corruption and the US-Arroyo regime

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Executive Committee-Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

The Jose Pidal issue has kindled the question of the First Family's corruption in a situation where the entire puppet state and country are riveted on the issue of plunder and corruption in the government and the AFP. This issue may even branch off and connect with the bribery cases in IMPSA, Macapagal Blvd. and Piatco, among others, and further explode, causing the ruling reactionary clique's complete isolation and overthrow in an EDSA-type uprising. There is need for an even more widespread protest movement and even stronger evidence than what has been presented for many of the regime's supporters in congress, the AFP-PNP, the church and mass media to turn their backs on or distance themselves from Malaca�ang. But this early, the issue has already intensified the vulnerability of the ruling faction which is in a mad scramble to bolster its grip on power. It has caused a stir among the broad masses of the people who are already restive because of the state's unbridled corruption and fascist terrorism, US intervention and the accelerated deterioration of their living conditions under the reactionary and puppet US-Arroyo regime.

It is our task to lead the people in expanding and strengthening the protest movement against corruption and the ruling reactionary puppet clique. The broad mass movement is the most important element for the struggle against corruption to be a truly powerful one. The Jose Pidal issue will remain a narrow issue and will likely lead merely to further mudslinging for the forthcoming election if it remains within the Senate and relies on what Lacson and the reactionary opposition spew out. It is also wrong to wait for the case to progress, allow the masses' intense interest to wane and let the issue and the struggle get bogged down in legal technicalities and maneuvers in congress.

The potential to topple the puppet regime along with other reactionary factions in the civil and military bureaucracy is what gives the present issue and struggle against corruption its extraordinary sharpness and significance. This is a particular advantage that the revolutionary and progressive forces must firmly bear in mind. It is but fitting for the issue of Jose Pidal and the corruption of the First Family to take precedence now among the issues of corruption. We can firmly link them to the simmering issues of AFP-PNP corruption like the cases exposed by the Oakwood uprising, as well as to efforts to advance the campaign against corruption within the Arroyo cabinet and in Customs, the BIR, DPWH and other government agencies. As we advance the protest movement and campaign against these elements, we must neither absolve nor allow other big plunderers and detested fascist criminals among the anti-Arroyo reactionaries to act as if they were blameless.

So as not to get bogged down in reformism and be silenced by piecemeal and token concessions from those in power, the struggle against corruption in the civil and military bureaucracy must be firmly linked with the struggle against the far bigger corruption in national policy�-the fascist terrorism of the state, US military intervention, imperialist globalization, and the unbridled extortion of the masses and depletion of the country's natural resources by foreign monopoly capital and the local comprador-big bourgeoisie and landlord classes. The struggle against corruption must push for the ouster of the plundering ruling reactionary clique and the appropriate punishment for all proven plunderers. We must advance the struggle to uphold genuine and fundamental changes in the country and society.

The most important of our urgent tasks is to strengthen mass protests and expand the ranks of the democratic classes and forces participating in the struggle against corruption in government. Following are some of the particular steps that must be taken in this regard:

Take a firm stand on the issue of Jose Pidal and the ruling Arroyo clique's corruption. Call for the thorough investigation of the Jose Pidal bank accounts and other cases of corruption of the First Family. Push for the continuation and further expansion of the Senate investigation as well as the independent and public disclosure and prosecution of cases of corruption in the government, military and police leadership.

Broaden and increase mobilizations and mass protests. Combine several and decentralized gatherings and protest actions on different levels and various scales with huge and concentrated protests at the national and regional levels. In this regard, we must brace for and frustrate the puppet regime's preemptive attacks and dispersals in its effort to prevent mass protests from gathering momentum.

Form, expand and promote alliances of religious and professional groups, middle elements and youth against corruption, and project their leaders. They may initially focus on corruption alone or on corruption along with calling for the ouster of the puppet Arroyo regime. In varying degrees, they may also focus on other prominent issues such as the bombings in Mindanao, US military intervention and imperialist globalization, among others. Aside from street rallies, they may also launch other types of gatherings to encourage the participation of the people in their numbers. The point is to draw in the the broadest number of people, enable them to participate in this endeavor and strengthen the voice of the progressive and democratic forces.

In order to continue advancing this issue and struggle, select organizations may link up with the reactionary opposition. But priority must be given to linking up with and cooperating with oppositionists who are neither among the notorious plunderers and fascist criminals nor among those closest to them, as well as with EDSA 2 allies who are now distancing themselves from the Arroyo clique or else are interested in a thorough investigation of the Jose Pidal case. Aside from linking up with Malaca�ang stooges and despicable oppositionists, it would be best if we could encourage congressional leaders who can better forge links and cooperate with the mass movement to take the initiative and make an independent stand.

Organize and encourage the investigation and disclosure in the mass media and the public of cases of corruption involving the ruling puppet regime, like the expos�s during the struggle against the Marcos fascist dictatorship and the campaign against the puppet Estrada regime.

Continue paying particular attention to exposing and criticizing corruption among the AFP and PNP high command and encouraging all sincere officers and soldiers not to allow themselves to be used but to take a stand instead against their corrupt, puppet and antipeople leaders.

As mass protests against corruption gain strength, so will the protests against the Bush visit grow more vigorous.


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21 September 2003
English Edition

Strengthen the protest movement against corruption and the US-Arroyo regime
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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