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Thoroughly expose, oppose and isolate the reactionary, puppet and fascist US-Estrada regime

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The political crisis is fast intensifying even as the socioeconomic crisis continues to rage. The massive protest action held on August 20 by broad sections of the progressive and democratic forces is proof of the people's intense discontent, the broadening protest movement and the sharpening rivalries among reactionaries. Behind this event is a most intense crisis made even worse by the reactionary, puppet, fascist and pro-Marcos policies of the ruling US-Estrada regime.

Under these conditions, it is the Party's duty to lead the people by marching at their forefront and pointing out to them the correct revolutionary path. With all our might, let us resist the US-Estrada regime's schemes and attacks, advance guerrilla warfare and mass struggles and protests and broaden the unity of the people in accordance with the anti-imperialist, antifeudal and antifascist line.

The gigantic August 20 rally would not have taken place if not for the concerted efforts of a broad range of elements led by the most respected institutions and personalities who are widely influential among the urban petty bourgeoisie, and the full mobilization of the legal progressive forces who comprised the biggest organized group.

But at the very center of the sharpening political crisis and the resurgence of the protest movement is the restrengthening of the armed revolution and revolutionary mass movement consequent to the Second Great Rectification Movement. It is the renewed expansion and strengthening of the independent force and struggle of the revolutionary movement that provide the broad masses with the fortitude to stand up and fight, sharpen rivalries among reactionaries and drive the ruling regime to resort to more desperate measures that can only accelerate its exposure and isolation stemming from its reactionary, puppet and fascist rule and policies.

Thus, we must steadfastly march with all genuinely progressive and positive forces. Alongside, let us also further the revolutionary movement's all-sided restrengthening and advance the line of people's democratic revolution through protracted people's war. These two policies are strictly intertwined, notwithstanding the efforts of rabid reactionaries and anticommunists (including revisionists and opportunist renegades) to pit one against the other.

As the political crisis intensifies, the ruling US-Estrada regime likewise intensifies its anticommunist witch-hunting and attacks. The ruling regime's divisive tactics have been most conspicuous as it dangled a compromise before anti-Estrada and anti-Marcos reactionaries even as it slandered, sowed intrigues against and violently attacked, the revolutionary movement. The latter includes hatching the grandiose militarist scheme Oplan Makabayan in order to wage an all-out attack against the armed revolution and "crush" it.

We enthusiastically welcome the substantial advance of the people's protest movement and the intensifying opposition shown by reactionaries disfranchised by the ruling US-Estrada regime. We firmly welcome the sharpening of contradictions between revolution and counterrevolution, fascism and antifascism, pro-Marcos and anti-Marcos, pro- Estrada and anti-Estrada. We are prepared to advance and intensify widespread struggles until the overthrow of the ruling Estrada regime.


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00 July 1999
English Edition

Thoroughly expose, oppose and isolate the reactionary, puppet and fascist US-Estrada regime
August 20: A gathering storm against the US-Estrada clique
Conflicts among reactionaries will sharpen over the issue of constitutional change
Oplan Makabayan:
Fascist scheme of the US-Estrada regime

Southern Tagalog's response to Oplan Makabayan:
Launch tactical offensives, advance the mass movement

Liberalization and deregulation:
Cruel impact on the fisheries sector

Danding Cojuangco's "corporative scheme":
Another bane to farmers

Coco levy:
Still Danding's brew

Monopoly in the sugar industry and other leading crop lines

October 1, 1999:
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Revolution

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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