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On the bombings in Metro Manila

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Statement by the Executive Committee of the
CPP Central Committee, December 31, 2000

The series of bombings in public places in Metro Manila on December 30, 2000 was a satanic scheme. The Communist Party of the Philippines and revolutionary movement strongly condemn it.

We also strongly condemn the brazen attempt by Malaca�ang to pin the blame on the revolutionary movement despite the absence of any investigation and even if the events and circumstances suggest the exact opposite.

The revolutionary movement or any part thereof has nothing to do with this beastly act. We vow to the families of the victims and to the people that the revolutionary movement shall do its utmost to pinpoint the masterminds and the perpetrators of this heinous crime and make them thoroughly answerable for it.

In fact, it is Malaca�ang, Joseph Estrada himself and his minions involved in atrocities such as the Kuratong Baleleng rubout, who are the number one suspects with the biggest motives, capability, opportunity and the stomach to perpetrate such a crime.

This kind of terrorism has been designed not only to kill, maim, wound and frighten - but to kill, maim, wound and frighten totally and on a massive scale. Its objective is not only to grab attention and space in the newspapers - but to thoroughly alter the content of the newspapers. It aims to completely smother the rank odor of the scandals exposed in the past three months and extricate from its besieged state the despised and moribund reactionary and puppet rule of Estrada and his cronies.

The explosives used were most likely C4 or plastic, which only the AFP and PNP possess-aside from those spirited away by the RAM in 1989. The targets were simultaneously attacked, including two or three that were under guard at a time when the the PNP had been declared under maximum alert. The complexity of this entire operation points to a force with a large organization, a high level of military skills, highly advanced equipment for coordination and communication and close familiarity with the security system in particular targets and in the whole of Metro Manila.

The bombings at the end of December, after the attempted abduction and summary execution of Luis "Chavit" Singson in October, the abduction and silencing of Bubby Dacer in November, the widespread wiretapping of senators, oppositionists and anti-Estrada elements that was exposed in mid-December, the threats against and surveillance of witnesses against Estrada - all these demonstrate the clear pattern of the intensifying desperation of a criminal mind that has gone from unabashed graft and corruption to arrogantly playing with the rights and lives of political rivals and ordinary citizens.

We must immediately pinpoint the masterminds and the real perpetrators, make them thoroughly answerable to justice and assist the victims. Along with this, we must make sure that the bombings� evil objective is thwarted. Do not be frightened by such terrorism. Do not be deceived by bloody intrigue. Do not allow terrorism to derail the protest movement. Steadfastly advance the struggle to oust the monster in Malaca�ang before the end of the first quarter of 2001.

As the Communist Party has repeatedly clarified in the past, the struggle to oust Estrada is based and focused, above all else, on the legal protest movement in the cities. This becomes even truer now despite the bombings in Metro Manila. We must resolutely persevere in the legal struggle to oust Estrada.

Accordingly, the Communist Party once more declares its decision to purposely stop the conduct of military actions in Metro Manila to ensure the most favorable conditions for advancing the legal protest movement and not give the despised ruling Estrada regime the opportunity to use partisan operations of the New People�s Army in Metro Manila as a pretext for suppressing and sowing discord in the protest movement.

Nonetheless, in the face of a clear pattern of intensifying fascist terrorism and threats of suppression against the unarmed mass movement, the New People�s Army shall further intensify tactical offensives in the countryside. It is also necessary to expand and strengthen the underground movement in the cities. It is these that shall guarantee that even if the monster in Malaca�ang completely takes leave of his senses and runs amok - the people�s struggle shall continue to persevere and advance.


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January 2001
English Edition

Reap the gains of the struggle to overthrow the US-Estrada regime!
Continue strengthening and intensifying the Filipino people�s revolutionary struggle under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime!

Punish Estrada!
The new Macapagal-Arroyo government:
Bringing back the US-Ramos regime

Factions within the police and the military
The role of Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco in the final months of the Estrada regime
The gigantic, militant and peaceful mass actions that ousted Estrada
Campaign Plan Balangai:
Continuing fascist attacks in Southern Tagalog

On the prisoners of war currently under the custody of the NPA

On the bombings in Metro Manila
News of Struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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