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Conflict in the Middle East:
US and Israel reap widespread condemnation

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Israeli government's ruthlessness against the Palestinian people can no longer be endured even by many elements of its armed forces. In September, 27 pilots of the Israeli Defense Forces defied their officers' orders to resume bombing Palestinian communities. They condemned the death of a hundred Palestinian civilians as a result of recent bombings carried out by their fellow soldiers. In response, the Israeli government pushed for their dismissal and charged them with mutiny and aiding terrorists.

Earlier, on September 20, the United Nations General Assembly had denounced the Israeli government's plan to forcibly oust Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestine Authority and leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Statements by a number of Israeli government and military leaders calling for the Palestinian leader's assassination also reaped broad condemnation from various parts of the world.

There is growing criticism of the violent Israeli occupation of Palestine and the blatant support it is getting from US imperialism. On September 27, huge protest actions were simultaneously launched in various countries. Up to 123,000 people demonstrated in various key cities, including London, where more than a hundred thousand participated.

Despite all this, Israel and its imperialist master maintain their bullying stance. On October 5, Israeli troops rained bombs on the village of Ain-as-Saheb in Syria where Palestinian refugees live, claiming that the area was a terrorist lair. Despicably, the US even defended Israel's dastardly act.

Prior to this, US forces in Iraq had repeatedly violated Syrian territory by flying aircraft in the country's airspace without permission. American soldiers also shot dead two Syrian civilians who were crossing into Iraq to visit relatives. According to a Syrian official, the US actions seemed aimed at provoking war.

Meanwhile, to appease Muslims especially in the Middle East, Bush commissioned a 13-man group led by Edward P. Djerejian, a former US ambassador to Israel and Syria, to look into ways of promoting the image of the US among Muslims.

According to Djerejian's report issued on October 2, the US must be more aggressive in its propaganda efforts in countries with predominantly Muslim populations. The report, however, made no mention of the US' exploitative and oppressive policies — which lie at the root of seething anti-US sentiments in these countries.


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07 October 2003
English Edition

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, number one hypocrite

Assert and defend the people's legal and democratic struggle
Massacre of four activists in Compostela Valley strongly condemned
In the Ilocos-Cordillera region:
NPA assails AFP lies

Multi-million peso thievery in PAGCOR
Revolutionary unionism expands, gains strength
Tribal wars and bodong in the Cordillera
Conflict in the Middle East:
US and Israel reap widespread condemnation
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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