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Victorious NPA Offensives:
20 firearms seized in various offensives

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The New People�s Army (NPA) seized at least 20 firearms in various offensives launched in different parts of the Philippines this March. Six soldiers were killed and 16 enemy forces were wounded in these offensives.

The most striking of the NPA�s military actions were the simultaneous attacks on a PNP station and a Philippine Army detachment in Samar

on March 17; a disarming operation against plantation security guards in Compostela Valley on March 12; and a raid on the PNP station in Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija also on March 12.

In Samar. The NPA seized 12 firearms (two M16s, three M14s and seven .45 pistols and .38 revolvers) in an attack on the police station in San Jose de Buan town in Samar at dawn on March 17. Three PNP elements, including the police chief, were wounded in almost five hours of fighting.

Meanwhile, a soldier was wounded when Red fighters ambushed troop reinforcements from the 34th IB detachment which was stationed near the PNP headquarters. Three comrades were slain in the fighting.

In Compostela Valley. The armed guards of Nova Vista Plantation in Barangay Tagnanan, Mabini were not alarmed when a group of women alighted from a truck and a jeep to put up campaign posters along the wall of the plantation near the main gate at around 6:15 in the evening of March 12. It was too late when they realized that it was only a ruse by NPA Red fighters to get near their detachment.

After a few moments, the main gate was opened and the detachment was suddenly under fire. The NPA seized four M16s, a Garand and a VHF radio from the five wounded guards.

Four policemen were also wounded on March 15 when the NPA encountered PNP forces pursuing them in the nearby town of Maco.

Nueva Ecija. Gabaldon PNP chief, Insp. Victor Bautista, and his two companions were completely taken by surprise and failed to put up any resistance when the NPA suddenly entered their headquarters and seized an M16, a 9 mm pistol, a .38 revolver, a radio transceiver and three cellphones.

Misamis Occidental. Four soldiers were killed and at least three were seriously wounded when guerrillas under the NPA Front Monterosa Command seized the initiative from attacking troops of the 10th IB on March 14 in Lower Bautista, Sapang Dalaga. The NPA was able to outclass the 10th IB despite the special training that the troops received from the US. A Red fighter was slain in the 45-minute firefight.

Camarines Sur. The Romulo Jallores Command of Bicol meted punishment on Lt. Col. Ramon Claros, a retired PNP intelligence officer. He was punished March 14 in Barangay Concepcion Peque�a, Naga City. Claros was the lead officer in the abduction and murder of activists Nona Sta. Clara, Angelina Llenaresas, Lauro Velasquez and one other comrade in April 1989 in Sta. Cruz, Naga City. He remained active in intelligence work even during his retirement. He was also involved in the illegal drugs trade and in kidnapping-for-ransom activities.

Bohol. The NPA and 28th Special Forces Company of the 302nd Infantry Brigade clashed in the morning of March 14 in Sitio Casingi, Barangay San Jose, Batuan. A sergeant was hit in the chest and died instantly.

Leyte. An NPA platoon attacked the PNP Regional Mobile Group detachment located inside the National Power Corp.�s Maragundong-B, Togonon power geothermal plant in Ormoc City early morning of March 10. The two policemen on guard ran in retreat.

Tarlac. The NPA raided the Philippine Army detachment in Barangay Matatalaib adjoining Tarlac City in the first week of March.


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21 March 2004
English Edition

Celebrate a year of victories in the armed struggle

Portraits of the NPA
Victorious NPA Offensives:
20 firearms seized in various offensives
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Correspondence Reports:
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Developments Overseas:
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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