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The Bush regime will pay dearly for its invasion and occupation of Iraq

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The US imperialist invasion and occupation of Iraq is baseless, illegal, and wrong. This has been stressed anew with belated but nonetheless unequivocal declarations by the United Nations and by persons and countries that had previously been reticent about, if not supportive of, the US invasion of Iraq.

In the face of all this, the puppet Arroyo regime has neither admitted its error nor has it sought an apology for its support of a war that has killed and wrought havoc on millions of civilians and ruined the lives and economy of a sovereign nation.

It has been over a year since the US attacked Iraq. Even before the first bomb was dropped, there has been marked opposition from many countries and people to the war. On September 6, the US weapons inspection team arrived at the definitive conclusion that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction in 2003 and that technicians made mistakes in appreciating the evidence and drew erroneous conclusions. Earlier, the UN had declared that the invasion undertaken against Iraq was illegal and unilateral. Even Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, Bush's staunchest supporter in his invasion of Iraq, has admitted that there was insufficient basis for the invasion.

Within the US, it is the greed of monopoly corporations, oil companies and Bush cronies that has steadily been drawing flak as the main reason for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Bush's pathetic excuses�that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, that it harbored Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaeda operatives and that Saddam Hussein was the devil incarnate, among others�have repeatedly been put to the lie.

The American people are increasingly appalled by the growing number of soldiers killed and wounded, the patent failure of their intelligence system, and the Bush regime's multiple lies. The regime is also hard put concealing the ferocity and violence of its occupation of Iraq. Over time, the methods and tactics resorted to by besieged American forces in Iraq have become more brutal and further inflame the Iraqi people's anger and hatred for them.

The only thing that prevents the American people from junking the Bush regime and its ultra-Right policies is the fear that has been created over the supposedly constant threat of terrorist attacks on the US. If a greater number of Americans wage resistance against the Bush regime, it may lose in the forthcoming election. The people may manifest their opposition to, and condemnation of, the imperialist occupation of Iraq in the polls, comparable to the way the Spanish people dealt a resounding defeat to the Jose Maria Aznar regime in Spain in elections held last year. A day before the election, the al-Qaeda bombed a number of trains in Madrid to show its opposition to Aznar's support for Bush's war.

As the election draws nearer, there will be expos�s of more of the Bush regime's lies. The Bush regime will be put to the test, and its continued rule plagued with uncertainty. With their master's future uncertain, already shaky puppet regimes like that of Arroyo that have been depending on the Bush regime for support will likewise be in danger of collapse.


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07 October 2004
English Edition

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The Bush regime will pay dearly for its invasion and occupation of Iraq
Mounting US casualties in Iraq
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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