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40 years of Kabataang Makabayan

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

On November 30, Kabataang Makabayan (KM) will be celebrating its 40th anniversary even as it faces the challenge of waging struggle against the burdens being imposed on the youth and the people.

According to KM spokesperson Comrade Andres Guerrero II, �The invigoration and propagation of political education is a most important task of all of KM�s leaders and members. Amid the crisis, it is more than ever necessary to comprehend the prevailing system and how to respond to the crisis that besets it.�

The KM was founded in 1964 at the YMCA Auditorium in Manila as a national-democratic youth organization. Its first members were student, worker, peasant, urban poor and professional youth.

After the congress, many local KM chapters were established in various schools in Manila-Rizal, Central Luzon and Southern Luzon. These chapters served as the basis for KM�s strategic expansion and consolidation in the countryside. KM members also helped form militant unions.

From 1965-1966, it launched campaigns and mass actions against US imperialism, the Marcos regime and the sufferings wrought by these forces on the people. Struggles against the rotten educational system erupted. The student protest movement spread throughout the country in 1968-69. Many organizations united with KM in struggling for school reforms. KM members were among the first to volunteer for the New People�s Army (NPA) in 1969 and persevere in advancing armed struggle.

From January to March 1970, KM led successive and ever-bigger demonstrations. Tens of thousands of youth and their progressive organizations joined what came to be known as the First Quarter Storm (FQS).

After the imposition of martial law in September 1972, KM�s legal national structure was disbanded. Its leaders and members were systematically assigned to the countryside to conduct mass work among the peasantry and become NPA Red fighters. Many KM activists helped in and led the establishment of guerrilla fronts in various provinces nationwide.

Operating underground, the KM persevered in organizing and propaganda work in the cities, especially in Metro Manila. In 1977, KM�s clandestine national structure was reestablished.

In the 1980s, Kabataang Makabayan, along with the rest of the revolutionary movement, deviated from the correct line. It was mired in reformism on the one hand, and committed insurrectionary actions on the other. KM dropped its recognition of the Communist Party�s leadership from its constitution during its fourth congress. The organization weakened.

When the Party launched the Second Great Rectification Movement, both the revolutionary youth and student movement and the KM warmly responded. Studies of the basic documents were launched and KM firmly abided by the call to conduct rectification. Its membership expanded once more. KM was once again able to assign activists to the countryside and a significant number of cadres and organizers to the revolutionary workers� movement. KM chapters are already being established in schools and communities. The Kabataang Makabayan is now in a position to further strengthen and expand its organization.


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21 November 2004
English Edition

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40 years of Kabataang Makabayan
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(Second part)

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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