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Arroyo, US imperialism's candidate in the 2004 elections

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

There are growing signs that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is preparing to run in the 2004 elections. Her factotums in Malaca�ang and her political allies are hastily preparing for her possible candidacy especially now that time is running out to amend the constitution before the elections. Arroyo had previously hoped to stay in power mainly through a constitutional amendment.

Malaca�ang wants to make it appear that there is a growing groundswell of support for Arroyo to remain as president. It is her husband Mike Arroyo who has been coordinating hands-on the various campaigns and schemes for her candidacy. Among them is a petition-signing campaign asking Arroyo to run. For this, he uses Malaca�ang�s machinery and funds to secure the support of politicians and local officials and mobilize them in the campaign.

Even the economy's negative rating by a foreign agency (Fitch Ratings of UK) has been manipulated to make it appear that economic policies are in danger of being disrupted if Arroyo does not run.

Among her propagandists' other schemes is to exaggerate comments made by other heads of state and by big compradors that supposedly favor Arroyo's continuance as president. Malaca�ang also boasts that US President George W. Bush's lavish welcome for Arroyo during the latter's visit to the White House in May, the US' designation of the Philippines as a "major military ally outside of NATO," the huge increase in US military aid and Bush's endorsement of Arroyo's candidacy in the coming election are portents of good.

It is clear that, for the regime, the biggest factor in Arroyo's candidacy in the coming election is Bush's bloated endorsement.

It is definitely favorable for US imperialism for Arroyo to remain in power. Arroyo's outright and unbridled militarism is in accordance with the ultra-Right policies of Bush's militarist government. Arroyo will ensure the continuous escalation of US armed intervention in the Philippines until it reaches the point where the direct participation of armed American troops in the country's civil war becomes the norm.

Arroyo's maintenance in power is favorable especially in strengthening US military presence in Southeast Asia. The US can rely on Arroyo to pave the way for setting up a "forward military base" that will be used for rapid troop deployment in the region.

Through Arroyo, there will be no letup in the enforcement of economic policies dictated by the US. She has already proven her boundless devotion to "globalization" and neoliberalism. Arroyo stands ready to completely dismantle the frontiers of national economic patrimony and allow the return of colonial rights for foreign big capitalists.

The Bush government's support of Arroyo is an inducement for her all-out support for the US' "war against terrorism" and its invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in particular. The US can be sure of Arroyo's support for its other plans of armed intervention, including the possible invasion of Iran.

In maintaining its neocolonial power in the Philippines, it is important for the US that whoever becomes president will be a loyal puppet. The president of the neocolonial republic is the chief implementor in the country of US imperialist policies.

In the history of elections in the Philippines, the US has always sponsored the candidate it views as most effective in serving its interests. Nevertheless, the US does not close its door to other candidates favorable to its interests. In reality, all of the reactionary political parties are in agreement with the fundamental policies regarding the puppet-master relationship between the neocolonial republic and US imperialism.

Although maintaining Arroyo in power is favorable to the US, it keeps Gen. Angelo Reyes, the current defense secretary, in reserve. Reyes, who directly receives his orders from the Pentagon, presently serves as Arroyo's handler. Reyes is also the leading official in Arroyo's government pushing the regime's militarist approach in confronting the revolutionary movement.

The reactionary Arroyo regime's militarism and obseqiousness to US imperialism have wrought extreme suffering and harm to the Filipino people. The regime is thus extremely isolated from the people. Arroyo is hard put getting any genuine support from the people to run in the coming polls.

If voting were to take place now, she will certainly be roundly defeated by other candidates. To win, Arroyo will need the intercession of great "miracles"�widespread fraud and violence and massive US intervention in the election.

Should Arroyo still insist on running in the coming polls, the Filipino people will be granted the opportunity to make her pay dearly for all of her transgressions to the people.


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21 June 2003
English Edition

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