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The October 2000 issue of Ang Bayan reported that a soldier died and four were wounded in an ambush by the New People's Army on forces of the 17th IB in Baay-Licuan, Abra on October 21. According to the latest correspondence reports from the Agustin Begnales Command (NPA-Abra), four soldiers died and five were wounded in the ambush. The enemy forces were part of a convoy of soldiers aboard a tank, two six-wheeler trucks and a Kennedy-type jeep who were on their way to launch an operation in Northern Abra. There were no casualties on the side of the squad from the Agustin Begnalen command that conducted the ambush.

Prior to this, 17th IB troopers conducting an operation in Candon town, Ilocos Sur had also been ambushed by the Alfredo Cesar Command (NPA-Ilocos Sur) on July 28. Six soliders died and two were wounded in the ambush, while a Red fighter was martyred.

In the same issue, AB also reported that a soldier died and another was wounded in an NPA ambush on troopers of the 19th Special Forces Coy of the Philippine Army on October 2 in Bontoc, Mountain Province. According to follow-up correspondence reports from the Leonardo Pacsi Command (NPA-Mountain Province), a sniping operation was conducted against the Special Forces platoon that was launching an operation in Mount Amongaw, Barrio Mainit. The wounded soldier later died in hospital. Confiscated from the sniping operation was an M14, ammunition and two packs.

The Special Forces troops were so demoralized and terrified that they retrieved their casualties in the evening even if the sniping operation occurred at 7:30 a.m. and the Red fighters had long left the scene. Even in the absence of the NPA, the troopers kept on firing their guns for an hour and a half before retreating to Barrio Mainit where they used the civilians as shields. They also waited six days before conducting pursuit operations against the NPA.


The October 2000 issue of AB, reported a raid launched by the NPA on October 17 against a CAFGU detachment in Barangay Policarpio, San Luis, Agusan del Sur where a soldier and three CAFGU elements were killed. According to the latest correspondence reports from Ang Kalihukan (the revolutionary mass newspaper in Northern Mindanao), the raid was conducted by an NPA platoon at around 8 a.m. of October 16. Aside from the casualties reported on the government side, one CAFGU element surrendered and two others escaped. Confiscated from the raid were eight Garands with 462 rounds of ammunition and 46 clips; four M14 rifles with 148 rounds of ammunition and 10 magazines; one M203 with nine rounds of ammunition; six M16 rifles with 210 rounds of ammunition and 17 magazines; one carbine loaded with 10 rounds of ammunition and one magazine; five 81-mm mortars; 18 pairs of combat shoes, nine combat vests; seven packs; and other military equipment and documents.

September 17, around midnight. An NPA squad and a team of people's militia assaulted a PNP City Mobile Group (CMG) detachment in Purok 6, Bit-os, Butuan City. One policeman was wounded while his companions scampered towards the Agusan River. Confiscated from the 10-minute raid were two 9 mm pistols and with six fully loaded magazines; one M14 ammunition belt; and two VHF handheld radios. The detachment was attacked to punish the CMG for malversation and extorting fees from poor vendors of firewood and other commodities. According to Ang Kalihukan, the people, especially the CMG's victims, lauded the raid. The attack was also a deep blow against the enemy because the detachment was very near the center of Butuan City.

September 12. An NPA squad ambushed a seven-man Philippine Army and CAFGU squad patrolling the riverbank along Purok Balatacan, Sityo Calamboyan, Ginabsan, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte. A soldier and CAFGU member were killed while their other companions scampered away. Because of the ambush, the military relieved their cadreman in charge of the CAFGU as punishment and confined him to the barracks of the 401st Brigade of the Philippine Army.

August 10. A squad from the Jabbar "Salipudan" Hocad Mandahinong Command (an NPA unit composed of lumad fighters) punished Datu Mandedli in Kanagaan, Cabanglasan, Bukidnon. Datu Mandedli, an informer and member of the Tribal Council organized by the reactionary government, was one of the brains behind the heinous murder of two Red fighters, husband and wife Venancio Cogollodo (Ka Sanag) and Felisa Baylosis (Ka Joy). The two were decapitated and their bodies burned on February 8 in Catalawan, Cabanglasan, Bukidnon.


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November 2000
English Edition

Consolidate and further expand the people�s unity to overthrow the US-Estrada regime!

Massive and daring protest actions launched
Estrada and his minions: targets of NPA special operations

The jueteng payola and other anomalies:
Crime and corruption at the very helm of the neocolonial state

On the tactical alliance with anti-Estrada reactionaries and the pseudo-Left rhetoric of Lagman
Cry of public sector workers:
Advance the rights and welfare of government employees!

United States presidential elections:
No change in US imperialism

Challenge towards genuine reunification:
Intensifying anti-imperialist struggle in Korea

News of the people�s struggle
More news from the field
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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