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On the prisoners of war currently under the custody of the NPA

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Statement of Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal,
Spokesperson, Communist Party of the Philippines,
January 24, 2001

Now that the Estrada regime has been ousted, its militarist policy on, and neglect of, captured personnel and officers of the GRP now under the custody of the New People�s Army must likewise be relinquished. The decision on whether the GRP should pay serious attention to the issue of the prisoners of war�s release is now in Gloria Macagapal-Arroyo�s hands.

If Macapagal-Arroyo is interested in the release of their personnel, PCI Abelardo Martin and Army Maj. Noel Buan, the revolutionary movement is ready to talk with the emissaries of the GRP and receive and act positively on a formal request for the prisoners� release.

In the past, the revolutionary movement had shown its readiness to free its prisoners of war through negotiations when it released PCI Rene Francisco, Army Sgt. Joaquin Melad and SPO3 Martillano Magtagad in 1997 and Brig. Gen. Victor Obillo and Capt. Eduardo Montealto in 1999.

In response to the request of the Humanitarian and Peace Mission, the NDFP issued on February 11, 2000 the "Order to Release Police Chief Inspector Abelardo Martin".

The Estrada government�s response was contrary to this humanitarian offer. Instead of ordering a ceasefire to give way to the release of the prisoners, Gen. Angelo Reyes and Estrada ordered the deployment of 15 AFP battalions in Southern Tagalog to launch a destructive "military rescue operation". Not even the twice-declared bogus suspension of offensive military operations could cover this up.

Likewise, contrary to the NPA�s good treatment of prisoners in its custody and its recognition of their rights under international humanitarian law, the AFP implements a policy of torture and murder of captives as in the case of Armando "Ka Sixto" Cerna in Mindoro in January 2000 and Godofredo "Ka Paking" Guimbaolibot in Compostela Valley in August 1999.

For the prisoners of war to be released, Macapagal-Arroyo must renounce Estrada and Gen. Angelo Reyes� militarist outlook. She has to understand that any "military rescue operation" will fail just as Estrada and General Reyes failed; that the prisoners of war can only be released through negotiations in accordance with international and humanitarian laws and rules of war and according to the principles and guidelines agreed upon by the NDFP and GRP during the NPA�s release of its prisoners of war in 1997.

Buan has been charged before the people�s court with espionage and war crimes. Martin is also facing charges filed by the masses in Dolores, Quezon where he once was PNP chief. Investigation, filing of cases and trial proceedings had already started last year.

Nonetheless, it remains the prerogative of the revolutionary organs of democratic people�s government whether to continue or suspend these processes in order to give way to negotiations for the release of the prisoners on humanitarian grounds. The release may also be considered for political reasons such as the undertaking of confidence building measures for peace negotiations. Macapagal-Arroyo�s release of political prisoners could also fulfill this objective.

In any case, if the NPA does not receive any formal request from the GRP for the release of Martin and Buan, it is prepared to hold the two in its custody for an indefinite period and guarantee that they shall be liberally and humanely treated and their rights respected in accordance with international humanitarian law and the rules of war.


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January 2001
English Edition

Reap the gains of the struggle to overthrow the US-Estrada regime!
Continue strengthening and intensifying the Filipino people�s revolutionary struggle under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime!

Punish Estrada!
The new Macapagal-Arroyo government:
Bringing back the US-Ramos regime

Factions within the police and the military
The role of Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco in the final months of the Estrada regime
The gigantic, militant and peaceful mass actions that ousted Estrada
Campaign Plan Balangai:
Continuing fascist attacks in Southern Tagalog

On the prisoners of war currently under the custody of the NPA
On the bombings in Metro Manila

News of Struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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