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Correspondence Reports
Ka Boyet, fine revolutionary cadre and commander

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

On March 9, 2004, Joselito "Ka Boyet" Talens was slain in a firefight in San Felipe, Zambales. Seven other comrades, Ka Chris, Ka Raffy, Ka Esie, Ka Deya, Ka Emil, Ka Marco and Ka Archie, were also martyred in the encounter.

Ka Boyet was born on December 31, 1964. He was the second of five siblings in a petty bourgeois family. Becoming politically conscious in 1982 while studying dentistry at the University of the East, he joined the Kabataang

Makabayan the following year and became coordinator of an alliance of progressive organizations in the university. He later transferred to the Centro Escolar University in 1984, where he led organizing work for the revolution.

He joined the Party in 1985 when he returned to his hometown in Nueva Ecija. He then embraced Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the revolutionary theory of the working class. He strived to remold himself, turn his back on his petty bourgeois class origins and uphold the proletarian standpoint, viewpoint and method.

Ka Boyet became the deputy secretary of the Party branch in a school in Cabanatuan City in 1985. The following year, he became the deputy secretary of the staff organ on Youth and Students under the Provincial Committee. He decided to join the New People's Army in June 1987. The NPA was then in the midst of implementing the erroneous line of "strategic counter-offensive" and the Party organization in the NPA unit where he belonged had been dissolved.

Despite the difficulties he experienced, Ka Boyet worked hard to carry out his tasks as the unit's political officer. He gave political and Party courses to the Red fighters, led assessments and criticism and self-criticism sessions, and strove to strengthen the comrades' commitment.

In 1988, Ka Boyet temporarily lost contact with the Party and people's army when a Party meeting at the regional level was attacked, resulting in the capture of several leading Party cadres and NPA commanders. When he was able to make contact and regroup, he joined an NPA unit implementing the anti-infiltration hysteria.

Ka Boyet was one of the many comrades in the region who contributed immensely in revitalizing the Party and the revolutionary movement under the rectification movement's guidance.
This seriously affected Ka Boyet's morale and led him to leave the movement for more than two years. Even as he was outside the movement, he informed concerned comrades of all of his activities.

In 1991, Ka Boyet once again worked full-time for the revolution. Because of his generally sound political and military record, he was appointed to the region's military staff and joined its intelligence unit.

In 1992, the Party launched the Second Great Rectification Movement after summing up more than a decade's experience. Ka Boyet grasped and embraced it completely, and through it gained an appreciation of his own experiences in their proper context. With stronger resolve, he never stopped working for the revolution since then. Ka Boyet was one of the many comrades in the region who contributed immensely in revitalizing the Party and the revolutionary movement under the rectification movement's guidance.

In April 1994, Ka Boyet took part in guerrilla zone preparation for what was to become Front 2 in northeastern Tarlac. Aside from serving as a member of the Party Provincial Committee in Tarlac, he was also secretary of a Front Committee and commander of the NPA unit under it. Ka Boyet and his comrades faced tremendous odds in establishing a guerrilla front in that part of Tarlac. Its terrain was composed of vast plains without a mountain or hill for a rear, crisscrossed by roads, with hardly any thickets they could use for cover and close to the AFP Northern Luzon Command's headquarters. Ka Boyet and his fellow guerrilla forces persevered in this kind of terrain.

Based on his demonstrated leadership and his steadfastness as a Party cadre, his diligent adherence to the Party line and his concrete contributions to the revolutionary movement since 1983, Ka Boyet was elected member of the Regional Committee in its plenum in April 2000.

In 2001, the revolutionary forces in Tarlac suffered serious setbacks due to successive defensive battles that wiped out two NPA units in the western part of the province. Enemy military operations raged on, aimed at completely crushing the revolutionary forces in the province. But the comrades frustrated the enemy's scheme, and not only preserved themselves but restrengthened the Party, the people's army and the mass base.

Ka Boyet was among those relied upon by the Party and the NPA in this critical stage in Tarlac's history. He was designated as the new secretary of the Front Committee and commander of the provincial guerrilla unit based in the area where the major defensive battles occurred. Ka Boyet led successive victorious tactical offensives, which though small had a large political impact. The fighting spirit of the people's army and the masses soared.

Ka Boyet was later deployed to take on the challenge of expanding and consolidating the revolutionary movement in Zambales and Pangasinan. His unit integrated with and conducted mass work among the Aetas and other poor peasants in the area. At the time of his death, Ka Boyet was also a member of the Zambales-Pangasinan Party Committee and the secretary of the education committee under it, secretary of the Party branch in his platoon and the unit's political instructor.

Drawn from a message from the CPP Regional Committee and NPA Regional Operational Command in Central Luzon, dated March 11, 2004.


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Ka Boyet, fine revolutionary cadre and commander
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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