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Newly appointed defense secretary:
Gen. Angelo Reyes: notorious fascist

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Despite the Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s declaration of an "all-out peace" policy, a notorious fascist, Gen. Angelo Reyes, was designated secretary of the Department of National Defense (DND) on March 19. The general was appointed to his new post in spite of his bloody record especially during his term as AFP chief under the Estrada regime. The present regime likewise nonchalantly ignored Reyes� shameless defense of Estrada before the president�s ouster.

Before becoming AFP chief

Reyes belongs to the Philippine Military Academy�s Class 1966. In his 35 years in the mercenary AFP, he rabidly served the reactionary state and US imperialism.

Reyes had a long stint in intelligence work against the revolutionary movement and the people. He was assigned to the Intelligence Service of the AFP (ISAFP) in 1969. He held two high positions in the Intelligence Production Branch of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence. For a number of years, he led the AFP�s intelligence operations as Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence or J2.

In 1990, he was designated commanding officer of the 4th IB. The latter was directly responsible for destructive counterrevolutionary campaigns that caused the massive displacement of people in Western Mindanao in the early 1990s. He also served as commander of the 602nd Infantry Brigade in Davao in 1992 and of the 5th ID in 1997. The latter was the main unit involved in pursuit operations against the revolutionary movement in northeastern Luzon in 1997. In 1998, he became commander of the Southern Command in Mindanao. These units have a long record of blood debts owed to the revolutionary movement and the people.

Earlier, he was assigned to the Civil Relations Sevice of the AFP (CRSAFP) which conducts psywar operations. He became its commanding general in 1995. Before becoming Chief of Staff, he was the commanding general of the Philippine Army.

US imperalism can count on Reyes to uphold its interests in the country. Reyes has gone to the US several times to undergo training in intelligence and "counterinsurgency". Among the courses he took up were the Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program and the International Defense Management Course.

Out and out fascist

Reyes fiercely used his iron fist when he became the AFP�s chief of staff. He continued to implement Oplan Makabayan which was begun by his predecessor Gen. Joselin Nazareno. He also led the implementation of Campaign Plan Balangai and other campaigns of suppression.

Reyes implemented Oplan Pisces Alpha against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the US-Estrada regime�s all-out anti-Moro war. He directly led the attacks on MILF camps and surrounding Moro communities. They burned down houses and destroyed crops in these communities. These resulted in the killing and wounding of civilians and in the massive dislocation of around one million people.

Under his command, the AFP used its attacks on the Abu Sayaff as a cover to intensify the anti-Moro war. In connivance with the police, the AFP perpetrated bombings in Metro Manila. Afterwards, they blamed and arrested innocent Moro civilians. The sowing of anti-Moro and anti-Muslim hysteria was further intensified under his leadership.

Reyes� intensification of attacks against the revolutionary movement and of militarization brought about widespread human rights violations not only in Mindanao but in other parts of the country as well. The AFP had a bloody record under his leadership. According to a report by KARAPATAN, there were 436 cases of human rights violation from January to November last year. In this 11-month period, there were 85 cases and 269 victims of illegal arrest; 17 cases and 39 victims of involuntary disappearance and summary execution; and five incidents and 45 victims of massacres and attempted massacres. Aside from these, 39,000 individuals were victimized in 321 cases of indiscriminate firing, frustrated and attempted murder, abduction, illegal search, robbery, coercion, interrogation, bombing, illegal surveillance, sexual abuse, forced evacuation, destruction of property, encirclement and other forms of violence.

The CAFGU was expanded by more than 30,000 men and vigilante groups and cults like Tadtad are being rearmed. All these forces have long records of assaulting and committing abuses against the people. Under Reyes� leadership over the AFP, American troops had, for several times, launched military excercises in different parts of the country. AFP troops took part in these exercises. Reyes led in covering up abuses commited by foreign troops against the people.

Reyes was also one of the proponents of junking the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law or CARHRIHL and of other acts of sabotage against the peace negotiations. He played a leading role in the Government of the Republic of the Philippines� refusal to accept repeated offers by the New People�s Army to release prisoners of war. He was also responsible for the bogus suspension of offensive military operations (SOMO), as well as the bungled operation to rescue PCI Abelardo Martin on March 8.

With Reyes in charge of the DND, the people will certainly suffer further fascist attacks and brutality. The revolutionary movement and the people must respond with intensified struggle to his and other military men�s appointment to the bureaucracy.


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March 2001
English Edition

The dominance of militarists within the Macapagal-Arroyo regime poses a threat to the peace talks

Newly appointed defense secretary:
Gen. Angelo Reyes: notorious fascist
The militarism that killed P/CInsp. Abelardo Martin and continuing state fascism
Intensifying exploitation and oppression of working women
Intensifying oppression of the working class in Europe
News of Struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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