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NPA and AFP: Diametrically opposed in thought and deed

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The fractiousness and demoralization within the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the New People's Army's (NPA) continued strengthening and advance reflect their diametrically opposed standpoints and viewpoints.

Different roots. The local and foreign ruling classes established the AFP in the tradition of the Spanish Civil Guard, the Macabebe Scouts, the Philippine Scouts and the USAFFE. It is the principal instrument for preserving the system that oppresses and exploits the people. On the other hand, the reestablished Communist Party of the Philippines formed the New People's Army in the tradition of the Katipunan and in accordance with the historical lessons of the Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan. The NPA wages armed struggle and agrarian revolution while forging the strength of the toiling masses towards the overthrow of the ruling system and the establishment of a genuine democratic state.

AFP: Mercenary, fascist. It is US imperialism, through the puppet state, that lays down the AFP's mission. In the face of the continued intensification of revolutionary struggle, this mission has revolved around "counterinsurgency," "counterterrorism" and "internal security"�in other words, counterrevolution. Even the "public service" that the AFP extends is framed in these terms. The armed forces are consciously used as an instrument to divide the people and vanquish those who expose and oppose the puppet and antipeople state.

NPA: patriotic, pro-masses. The NPA treads the path of liberating the nation from the clutches of foreign subjugators and the local exploiting classes. Under the leadership of the working class, it arouses, organizes and mobilizes the masses, primarily the peasants and farm workers, in carrying out genuine land reform. The people's army is built from among the people's ranks and annihilates the enemy's weak points as well as bad elements. It continuously forges the unity of the toiling masses and other classes towards vanquishing the roots of the people's suffering.

AFP: Salaries, not principle, form the real motivation for the many who join the AFP and paramilitary groups like the Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit or CAFGU. Using the slogan of "serving and defending the country," the ruling classes exploit the people's poverty to churn out robot-like soldiers and assets who can be commanded any time. Behind the slogan "dignity, greatness and patriotism," the most mercenary and fascist officials and generals are trained in the Philippine Military Academy and military schools in the West.

NPA: Principle and sacrifice. It is not remuneration but the correctness of the revolution that inspires the NPA to embrace the hard and simple life that goes with arduous struggle. Supporting, joining and persevering in the NPA is voluntary for the masses of peasants, workers, women, youth, professionals and other sectors. The NPA is open to anyone 18 years of age and older with the determination and readiness to fight for freedom. Although physical strength is important, in the all-rounded conduct of revolutionary work, there is room for those who wish to join the NPA but do not have the capacity to join the armed units.

AFP: Feared and loathed. The AFP is decadent and undisciplined. Its dealings with the people are a litany of deception, terror, harm, verbal abuse, and cruelty. Even if AFP soldiers try to pass themselves off as NPA, their ways and dealings with barriofolk readily betray them to the masses. The troops ransack and destroy homes ostensibly in search of the NPA. They destroy crops and seize chickens and other people's property. They torture, and seldom allow their captives, whether ordinary civilian or NPA, to live. They are notorious for being abusive, drunks, rapists, womanizers and gamblers. Besides, AFP officers are likewise involved in anomalies and bigtime syndicates, and in plotting terrorist attacks against the people. Instead of putting the perpetrators on trial, the state condones and even rewards them.

NPA: Cherished and nurtured. It upholds the organizational principle of democratic centralism. The NPA implements at all levels a discipline aimed at achieving a firmer unity between the people and its army. The people are confident that the NPA will not purposely do anything that would harm their interests. Despite its lack of resources, the people's army is creative and stands ready to help the people at all times. Red fighters are known to be respectful and concerned with the life and livelihood of the people. They are forbidden from drinking and gambling. They return anything they borrow and pay the appropriate amount for anything bought or ruined. The NPA treats captives humanely and respects women. Anyone who violates these rules, whether commander or fighter, is subject to disciplinary action. The NPA humbly accepts criticism and is ready to do rectification for any wrongdoing.

AFP: No democracy. Officers in the highest echelons of the AFP dip their filthy fingers into the gargantuan resources poured into the military. They usually live lives of comfort and luxury in mansions within and outside the country, own expensive automobiles and draw commissions from various illegal businesses. Meanwhile, ordinary soldiers make do with their meager, irregular salaries to meet their families' needs. They are short on supplies and make do with faded uniforms and worn-out shoes. They are blindly thrust into battle and are used to unleash terror, especially in the countryside. For the AFP, "unity" means that soldiers unquestioningly follow their officers; "prestige" means ensuring that organizational problems are not divulged. There is no freedom of expression within the AFP.

NPA: Discipline and democracy. All NPA commanders and fighters and Party cadres discuss and study the program, policies and decisions of the CPP. Commanders and fighters regularly conduct criticism and self-criticism to be more effective in performing their tasks and address and rectify weaknesses and errors. In their drive to raise their proletarian consciousness, maintain close links with the masses, raise their fighting capacity and collectively oversee the welfare of Red fighters, they conduct meetings where they freely speak their minds. They share weal and woe and receive equal rations and allowances. They collectively manage their food and other supplies, with anyone having the right to scrutinize the accounts and resources any time. Commanders and fighters jointly hold meetings before and after battles and campaigns and thus learn from each other.

Counterrevolutionary propaganda tries hard to cover up the utter rottenness of the AFP. The AFP, however, can only become further isolated from the Filipino people, just like the reactionary state it defends. More and more of its personnel�especially the rank-and-file who are the direct victims of corruption in the AFP�are secretly linking up with the revolutionary movement in fighting for genuine change.

The spirit of revolution continues to burn brightly across the nation as the people and their army jointly continue reaping victories in struggle.


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07 November 2004
English Edition

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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