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Excerpts from the sworn statement of Manuel Reyes Bogtong of the Presidential Security Unit (March 14, 1989)

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

"On July 2, 1971 Gen. Fabian C. Ver gave me a mission order to get dynamite in Samar. I returned to Manila after four days. When I entered our office, I heard General Ver, Lt. Porfirio Ramos, Sgt. Andres Lacdan, Sgt. Alberto Sulit, T/Sgt. Pedro Gutierrrez alias "Pete" and Atong Suarez talking about the plan to bomb the miting de avance of the Liberal Party in Plaza Miranda.

"This was one of the many times this operation was discussed. It was firmed up on August 17 after everything was explained to us by General Ver. According to Ver's plan, Lacdan and Sulit were to throw the grenades once Ninoy had arrived on the stage.

"They were to be supported by Porfirio Ramos, Pedro Gutierrez and Atong Suarez.

"I was at the PSU billiard hall when I heard on the radio that the grenades had been thrown at Plaza Miranda.

"One hour after the grenade throwing, I saw Andres Lacdan, Alberto Sulit, Porfirio Ramos, Pedro Gutierrez and Atong Suarez report personally to General Ver. They told him the mission was a success."

Other data from Bogtong's statement:

  1. Their source of funds for the operation was a Maj. Rolando Pattugalan (already a general in 1989).

  2. After the Plaza Miranda bombing, their unit's intelligence funds were tripled.

  3. He stayed at the PSU from 1968 to 1972. When he resigned from the PSU in late 1972, he was warned by General Ver that he would be liquidated if he revealed their activities at the PSU.


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31 July 2001
English Edition

Reversing the verdict on the fascist crimes of the Marcos dictatorship

The CIA, the Marcoses' wealth and other anomalies behind Salonga's reversal
Events of August 21 and August 23, 1971
"Treading the path of military dictatorship" � CPP

Lies told by Marcos, Gregg Jones and Salonga's "witnesses" on the Plaza Miranda bombing
Excerpts from the sworn statement of Manuel Reyes Bogtong of the Presidential Security Unit (March 14, 1989)
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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