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Lies behind the war on Iraq

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Senselessness of claims that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction are further bared

To obtain international support for the war on Iraq, the US and the UK used the pretext that the Saddam Hussein government harbored weapons of mass destruction (WMD). However, two months after occupying Iraq, the invaders have not come up with a single trace of WMD.

Thus, the US and the UK are now scrambling to produce any piece of evidence that the former government of Iraq was engaged in the manufacture of WMD. To avoid embarrassment, US and UK officials have come up with all kinds of alibis.

Recently, intelligence agencies themselves revealed that the Blair regime forced them to add to their dossiers the lie that the Saddam regime had the capability to launch the WMD in its possession "within 45 minutes." Blair used this "information" to terrify the British people and to assert the "need" to take immediate military action against Iraq.

No less than US Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld had said that they did not really expect to find weapons of mass destruction, claiming that Saddam had already destroyed them long before the war began. Deputy Defense Sec. Paul Wolfowitz added that they only used the issue of weapons of mass destruction because it was the only way to unite all the factions and agencies of the US government. Wolfowitz headed the special committee formed by the Bush regime to come up with the best justification for attacking and occupying Iraq.

The presence of WMD in Iraq has now been further exposed for what it is: a total lie and a mere fabrication.

On May 30, the mass media in the United Kingdom revealed that a few days before facing the United Nations Security Council, State Sec. Colin Powell met secretly with UK Foreign Minister Jack Straw.

During the meeting, both Straw and Powell expressed great reservation about the intelligence reports presented regarding the supposed presence of WMD in Iraq. They both agreed that the evidence gathered was insufficient and that the reports did not honestly present the actual and objective situation.

Despite the lack of sufficient information, Powell faced the UN Security Council and disclosed supposed evidence of the presence of WMD in Iraq. The information was said to have been gathered by their intelligence agencies. In truth, most of what Powell presented was based only on the dossier prepared and publicized by the Blair regime in January. A large part of it was not the result of a thorough gathering and analysis of intelligence data but merely plagiarized from the thesis of an American student.

With the lie about the WMD exposed, the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Pentagon are pointing the finger at each other. The DIA accuses the Pentagon of having wasted the US' $30 billion intelligence fund and manipulating intelligence data to make them conform to the Bush regime's political agenda against Iraq. The Pentagon deliberately ignored most of the data from the DIA and highlighted those that came from the Iraqi National Congress, a group which has long been funded by the US to topple Saddam Hussein's government.


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07 June 2003
English Edition

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Lies behind the war on Iraq
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