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Paul Wolfowitz: A disciple of neoconservatism at the World Bank

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The appointment as World Bank (WB) president of fascist neoconservative Paul Wolfowitz, one of the Bush doctrine's most rabid disciples, signals tighter US control of the institution as an instrument for the imperialist oppression of the world's peoples.

Wolfowitz is one of the leading and most prominent architects and promoters of unilateralism and the wanton imposition of US hegemony in various parts of the world. He played a key role in the US invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003. Before his appointment to the WB, he was deputy secretary of the US Department of Defense.

Wolfowitz's assumption of the World Bank's leadership is expected to turn the institution to an even more zealous instrument of US imperialism, with its funds used to dictate policies to poor countries and make them serve US interests.

He is regarded as one of the ideologues of neoconservatism in the US. Under former President George Bush Sr., he outlined an aggressive military strategy that called for preemptive action by the US against supposedly hostile groups or states allegedly planning to attack the US. The doctrine served as the basis for the US invasion of Iraq in 1990 and 2003.

Wolfowitz was one of Bush's men who hatched up the National Security Strategy (NSS) which now serves as the framework for imposing US hegemony all over the globe. The NSS calls for no less than US economic and military domination through relentless military intervention using the defense of world peace and security as a pretext. It likewise calls for preemptive strikes against so-called rogue states and the suppression of any regional or global power that could potentially rival the US.

In accordance with this strategy is the proposed Project for a New American Century (PNAC) formulated in 1992 by neoconservatives, including Wolfowitz, and revised in 2000. To achieve the PNAC, which involves none other than US military, political and economic global hegemony, the US would launch wars of aggression and instigate war against countries opposed to US imperialism. The US has since used the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to launch military intervention and aggression in various parts of the world.

Wolfowitz was also involved in the Philippines where as Deputy Secretary for Asian Affairs, he helped US Secretary of State George Shultz convince then US Pres. Ronald Reagan to abandon Pres. Ferdinand Marcos when it became clear that US interests were being endangered by its continued support of the dictator.

Recently, Wolfowitz led the "reconstruction" of Iraq after US imperialism's aggression and occupation of the country. In addition to its crimes against the Iraqi people, the US has proved utterly inutile in providing basic services. "Reconstruction projects" awarded by the US government to the Bush family's closest friends have been wracked with corruption and cronyism.


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07 April 2005
English Edition

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Paul Wolfowitz: A disciple of neoconservatism at the World Bank
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