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US military intervention

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino


Agreement on unlimited military cooperation approved

Macapagal-Arroyo announced on July 1 that the Mutual Defense Board (MDB) had approved a long-term program for "military cooperation" between the Philippines and the US. The MDB�s five-year program adopted during its meeting in Hawaii on June 25 calls for the transformation of the ongoing Balikatan 02-1 into a "sustained program of security cooperation and counter-terrorism training and assistance".

This not only paves the way for the permanent presence of American troops in the country in the form of long and successive "Balikatan" exercises. The operations related to these "training exercises" will even cover the entire country. This includes AFP chief Gen. Roy Cimatu�s announcement that troops participating in Balikatan 02-1 which officially terminates on July 31, would be organized into small teams and deployed to various areas in Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao.

Aside from troops participating in "Balikatan", the regime will allow other American troops and seacraft to enter and leave the country in the name of "counter-terrorism".

This dovetails with an earlier statement by US Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld that American troops would be staying in the country beyond the term limits set for Balikatan 02-1.

In this regard, Pres. George Bush ordered on June 28 the grant of $10 million worth of military equipment and services allegedly for an "unforeseen emergency that requires immediate military counter-terrorism assistance to the Philippine armed forces".

AFP offi cials could not determine what constituted the "unforeseen emergency". The aid forms part of the MLSA.

Media personnel insulted by American troops

American troops shouted at and cocked their firearms before two media persons on June 17. GMA-7 reporter Jiggy Manicad and cameraman Jun Fronda had requested an interview on the encounter between US troops and the Abu Sayyaf that had just taken place in Isabela City. They were blocked by American soldiers guarding the road inside the 55th IB�s headquarters. The soldiers drew and cocked their weapons, sent them away and arrogantly shouted at them that "This is our area!"

Instead of reprimanding the foreign troops for their arrogance, Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Ernesto Carolina defended them.

American troops engage in firefight

A number of US and AFP troops figured in a firefight on June 17 with suspected Abu Sayyaf forces. Two US Marines and an AFP soldier were involved in the encounter.

The firefight took place when a group of armed men fired at a team of US Navy Seabees (construction battalion) constructing a road in Maligue, Isabela. The US Navy Seabees are among 500 American soldiers in Basilan setting up infrastructure to facilitate the AFP�s movements in the thickly forested island and affecting friendly relations with Basilan residents. ###


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July 2002
English Edition

Genuine agrarian reform�s only hope lies in revolutionary struggle

Replete with anomalies

Reports from Correspondents:
More than 11,000 farmers benefit from agrarian revolution in Northeast Mindanao

Reports from Correspondents:
Successful anti-usury campaign launched in Cagayan

Conditions of farm workers in Hacienda Luisita:
Rich soil for revolution

Guingona booted out of DFA for opposing Balikatan
US military intervention
US rocked by financial scandals
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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